woensdag 25 april 2018

Q)English essays, poems, articles...part 2

The trouble with being very conscious and writing

Because there are people one knows involved, no one can write a complete proza documentary about just what was one day in his or hers lifetime. Also due the fact that at a certain moment one is ready to begin writing such description, the reader will not be able to follow because of the complexity of one's past that is determined for a part by events in the past. So that is why one always has to choose between fiction and reality, between the daydream and the situations one has to adept oneself on. Each thought is a novel on it 's own if one would pay attention to it and mingled with fantasy a thousand novels. Each dream is a 'collage', a mix of a lot of things that happened in a lifetime over generations. Time does not exist. Each moment of a minute, sometimes splits of a second, is so intense to write about that, if one is a writer, one cannot support any more in the end or just survive by observing and enjoying and making sense. In order to achieve a part of this wanting to explain about the codes of life in a narrative way, one should be a lot alone perhaps...I do not know, I'll have to find out...but the energy of achieving the aims described, is lacking me at this moment. Shall I try to write a prelude (french word,an introduction, which again is a French word ?) about the past or start with the day itself today or go to sleep for half an hour to recover ? Or shall I look upon you as my private detective trying to find out in this day this day story of mine, how my live and maybe yours was ?

Woke up with my neck hurting more than the day before and a kind of tiredness  that went away. Had a 'talk' with a virtual friend about dreams and situations in daytime, but then not trying to fix the events itself, but viewed them on a broader scale. Nice that in English the word 'friend' is not substitute for male or female. A friend is rather someone one can talk or write with on a more or less the same dimension of vibrations. And if it's a virtual exchange one does not feel like one will have a real  encounter where one falls in love and by consequence having to endure all the responsibilities, joys and hardships based on the realities of the other person’ s life.

I dreamt that a bloke with a lot of primitive and rough and in a way brute physic energy tried to seduce a friend of mine. He wanted to conquer her innocent  in a mainly instinctive way. At first my reaction was 'let it go, it's not your life', but the feeling kept persecuted me and then I met an old tired Indian woman who told me to control the blood pressure this has caused in my body. She maybe has saved this house of that soul of mine, and that is why my spirit is back on the track of continuing 'it's' spiritual tasks...for the sake of being a kind of assistance to all those who have managed not to live superficial.

Me and my neck rested for a while and the tiredness  due to a life with a lot of task and due  to a lot of isolation, slowly disappeared a bit, due to the fact that I let my ghost speak to my tired body, encouraging it from within the spheres of 'heaven' present as well in everything and everyone on earth, but most of us do not really know or can't reach the same dimension any more or not yet.

A cup of thee or coffee ? I had run out of water of the source in the wood, so it took some of the kitchen tap. The water was presumed to be the best, because of a lot of control and addition of...I do not know. Nature's tap was too far away today for me to go and get it. The fellow occupants of my house were at work and I went outside to say the dogs hello, after eating some of the meal of yesterday and sharing the rest with them. The only animals whose meat I eat are, from time to time in a limited way 'chicken' and some fish from time to time. And hopefully, most of the time chicken that were not kept in factories all of their lifetime. In a village with tries not to become a town I met the young man who wanted to make a living of his dream, providing food and a drink to his clients, which were more friends to him. He asked me how my writing got along and I answered him I had started writing in English and that I still was helped by the computer to avoid spelling errors...but that the computer wasn't so human as to underline the words thought and taught, because they both are correct...but it depends on how you use them. This restaurant-café keeper has a replica of one of Renoirs paintings in his establishment. I look upon it at each visit and so I said : 'I saw the film 'la fabuleuse destin d' Amelie Poulain' lately again. While living in her world of fantasy, she always was trying to help people by bringing them together or playing jokes with someone who mistreated another person. There was that role of a painter in the movie who was making a copy of Renoir's summer ball...he advised Amelie to grasp her own happiness in her attempt to meet the love of her live...and in response the painter and other personages received a lot of blessings as well.

There were some woman on the owner of the 'good life'- pub, waiting for the bus at the other side of the street. One nice dark woman from Africa with a lot of pounds extra, sat on the stone before the window of a house...like as if she was meditating. Had she found happiness in marriage or was she misused on this continent...or in both cases and even if she was unhappy, was this the consequence of the wrong choices she made before she emigrated ? A bit of an Asian women came to sit next to here and they looked understandingly at each other, without talking. Do only colored people take the bus in this place ?

A Caucasian woman pushing a child in a baby-carriage came along...and another white skin one with a happy little black-white dog came along. Wish Renoir was here. Maybe he was, with all that talking going on about him...as a consequence of what he did. Since time in fact does not exists, he must be somewhere, I thought. And while I write it I wonder if I did not write 'taught' instead of 'thought' in a phrase like this. Sorry, no energy left to go back and correct it. It's a bit like life...the past, try to deal with it as much as possible, but avoid having to make corrections in this day itself. Make your day, not interfering to much with earlier evolutions who have had their flow. Try to have a panoramic view on people and things, or you will get lost among too narrow conditions. It is like I heard this man say in a documentary about Darwin and his Beaggle boat : "I love the Amazone, but do not expect to love me back. In fact the Amazone is very happy to see me coming...because it is very hungry : mosquitos, snakes like the anaconda, some fish...they surely love me in their own way”. So did my cat and my chicken when I came home. The cat pushes her head against my giving hand to thank me and the chicken lays her daily egg and expects no special things in return...forgotten of the times when she was a dinosuarus. Maybe her kind has become humble through all these years of evolution ? Still there is a kind of mean dino-look when she mistrusts me and is not singing her relaxed song.

possible further items and events and persons that eventually push to write : A piece of egg shell lay on the ground, ready to be touched by the local chicken. She picked and picked, must have done so a million times already. The local cat licks her milk, her tongue must have done this who knows how many times. One day they both will be dead...which will be the reward for doing what they did ? Passing the software from what they could do on ?//    Woke up a big sick. What's the matter man, too too long without the kind of bio love her on earth ? It had been more than three weeks that I was coughing and now I felt as if a fire was burning inside me. What kind of micro insects had bitten me ?///   A telephone call with someone from a call center wanting to male me a subscriber. Normally I show some patience. But now...clack the phone without answering back on the line. Another more automatic call I got, the phone company with an sms to by the wired line, asking me if I was satisfied with their recent intervention...wanting to keep me subscribed. ///                Yesterday in the library a young teacher of very young children brought two books back, one from the old and one from the new testament, she had to pass an examination to give religion to children...I told her that in the library of a monastery in Averbode they had quite a lot books in every didactic material...knowing well in the back of my head, I could explain better. Maybe this was such an occasion that I had for felt an hour ago when I was planning on writing a book about questions young children ask adults. /// No, I would not go to the doctor or pharmacist, I 'will survive by going a bit in the outside world today. No hermit today. Maybe bio love was what I needed, but especially starting up a good inner dialogue with myself to reach the vibrations necessary to continue my spiritual voyage towards the questions I posed myself in life...at this stage of my existence, being today. Serenity was what I wanted to comfort me with,…over what… the idea of not being a grandfather ever ? The names of the villages I met  accompanied me with a from time to time a women biking through the green local bush or a man doing his thing.  Someone from Ghana, I felt without asking was waiting at a bus stop. Nice to see as well on this rainy day. Being to be able to tell the story of one day completely is like an impossible thing to do with letters only...to many side road in one's mind crossing the story of events and tings to see. When one stops to have a meal, it can be quite tasty and only sometimes the meal is much better than the friendliness of the one who serves it. Or in cafés, where a lot of people with problems often meet, a lot is to observed. It sometimes happens that one of the people present begins to talk about 'Spain' for example, when I , before I came was thinking about a subject that related to Spain. Or that I am thinking a lot about India and a driver comes walking in the pub, an Indian driver who asks the way to a company with the same family name as the grandmother of the recent love one is trying to leave behind, because of her situation in her head, not mine...or because of the scenario's hanging above our heads from before we were born as a never ending consequence of things we did or not do as well.///Then one arrives at home and discovers that one has got three mails without knowing what one is doing the past hours the former love sends you something about Averbode, about a church you were sitting in the sun with the same 'Nicolas'-name, but in another commune and about a foreign voyage...when at the same time practically one was in a voyage-shop to ask information about traveling abroad and rather as far away as the mail one was being send. And next to the picture of the Nicolas church was another church who had the same name as a political group with very narrow minded ideas...not the kind of 'church' to follow...not the kind of religion or philosophy to teach children

 http://filosofischverzet.skynetblogs.be 500artikels,essays continued on http://philosophicalresistance4.skynetblogs.be  facebook ,by novel & in practice http://hetvoortijdigtestament.skynetblogs.be


1. introduction

I sit on a sphere/that ball is a planet/the planet is made suitable for a biological cell by thousands of evolutions /   a biological cell : molecules and atoms and their predecessors are the atom and the radiation after the big bang/the big bang is symbolic of the principle of being, namely slightly smaller or equal to zero cannot exist or, in other words, if  senseless is approached, (not-being) a situation will change   /life cannot be kept in a state that will be untenable,(the code on all life) /life even evolves already in the big bang events in too ever more sophisticated forms of being and awareness/consciousness is the greatest good, from the simple, practical, logical rational to feel how inner communication works/big bang cycles : all what has always existed in the previous big bang cycle, begins again as a reshuffling of the cards with the same or other characters?/that is of course the question, do we get once in a big bang cycle a chance to get back  with the same or similar role to play ... and that with the same or other creatures or mixed energy?

/the energy of being  maintains the unique composition of your own, that energy is not only genetic branched out in other related creatures, but perhaps just on another genetic way after death continues to exist/continues to exist by means which the living have yet to add to the old stories/add all the previous evolutions, stories, words and numerical energy that actually led to all existence and observe the now/ our existence so continuously travels between radiation (after the big bang) and the radiation after the death of the first cell at the beginning of the biological evolution, up to and including our own bodies, which also fall apart in minerals and radiation, everything is in fact more or less compacted forms of radiation over time which, however, does not exist///

a kind of logical tool is like the word God that we can replace by the totality of  being and  it’s evolution  depending on the individual and collective consciousness/awareness teaches us to regard and control our negative emotions in order to convert them in too positive ones /trying to improve our awareness brings us sometimes  in a negative spiral, due to the interaction with others, therefor one has to learn how to avoid this as much as possible/// a mountain of not easy experiences can wait for us, according to the domino’s before us and in our own lives/even in the dominos before us we were present for a part/

the inner is the most intimate in a being, not in the sense of the individual with his emotional world and physical experiences or professional experiences, but in the sense of understanding the degree of inner consciousness off all kinds of events and developments in one's own life and that of others /to comprehend is not only being able to make connections but also in a very intensive way experience  the daily sense and progress of things and substantial evolutions of people and the things they experience, comprehending the symbolism of those things should be understood, to fully understand this text which talks about our voyage ... to the eternal future.

previous series: http://deblogfilosofen.skynetblogs.be   

2. how providence works

It’s raining.  ‘It’ is raining.  Where’s that ‘it’ one might think, well try to understand the introduction test. Where are you waking up this morning ? In an apartment you share with family or friends, near a road with much traffic or alone in a room in the bush ? Why is one where one is with that and those persons or alone, why does one do the work one does and which work one would wish to do ? Well, don’t think too much about it, it’s nice to think about it logically, like in the introduction text one can push the idea very far and hopefully you do not end up with concluding that the chicken who lays your egg every day, isn’t a reincarnation of some a lot of the time angry person you once knew.  What about trying to understand what happens day by day in your life and that of others ?  Is one surrounded with people that are a bit sharing the way one feels about life or does one, by reflecting on that subject discover that from early age on there is a kind of controversy between oneself and a lot of personages in one’s life ? In how far one has a free will in continuing the game that started before yourself…and even when one was not present yet, not born, the stuff one is made off, already was. In a way it is like if everything what happens has an energy that is constantly looking to combine with an opposite energy, crossing the path of more equally charged energies…still a bit like the basic system of our structure : proton, neutron, electron.  But before we end up with too much science again, let’s try to find out how the part of providence works in our lives.  Light is carrier of information, those who were one’s alive and now a kind of light, make us live for a part; we’ll have to be in our strength in order to not let influence ourselves in a negative way.

3. As my father used to say

I send my son in too this world, not like the story in the Bible, to be conceived by a virgin, no I send him in too this world in a genetic way, as I myself came in too this world and everyone before me until the first cell that existed and way back from there to our real father, the light, radiation.  I send my son in too life on earth, then years after what is called the end of the second world war, but in fact the consequences still continue, the collective dominos still fall, like in each individual life. I myself  was send in too this world five years after a big war about nothing much more than the power to be able to be the biggest players on the economical field.  Sending someone in too the world is kind off a strange way to put it, we cannot but be in the world in fact, we always were there from the beginning of each big bang cycle. But let us simplify things, isn’t the urge to have sexual intercourse the same as the desire from the ones who were to come back in to being on a physical level ? If you look at that that way, the female egg symbolises the earth and the sperms symbolises all the different combinations of a number of personages willing to make their entry again. In general one sperm makes the entry or is helped making the entry by the egg, who knows ? So, it isn’t just a physical or chemical or biological world we enter or we are always present in from the first radiation or the later atom (physics) till the first cell and later till us.  As individuals we represent a number of beings that used to live in a biological way.  We come in to existence to continue stories in a dialectical way. That’s way in a family with more than one child characters aren’t the same, because of the fact that the content of lives is constantly updated. A number of contradictions always come in too life… in order to learn about each other, someone who is too greedy in a materialistic way will be confronted with someone who is not, someone who is too honest will meet a more flexible kind of person and so on, take every too negative emotion and it will meet on its road the opposite one.  Learning to talk about this opposite positions in daily life, is something we must learn.  Even if we live next to each other without communicating too much, when there are problems we avoid talking about because we are not great communicators or feel ashamed or do not want to hurt each other, those contradictions are in the ‘air’ and disturb our own inner communication.  We are partly composed of female and male energy and we try to let both parts function in balance, being too soft and too hard influences everything we do and say and a kind of balance most of the time pulls both levels in a kind of acceptable balance.  On a physical level, the male energy is older the female energy, on a biological level, the female energy is older than the male energy, xx is older then xy.

how to create a Collective Conscious Union movement There are a lot of ways by which one can feel that life has a lot of meanings and that those meanings have a lot of greater sense.     Not only by watching films about our blue planet or experiencing nature in real life and living the live you lead with your colleagues, friends and family or by studying science or enjoying culture but also on this internet one can try to separate sense from nonsense, as far as the meaning of life is concerned.   All those appearances have a greater plan behind them, which becomes clearer the more intensive one really longs to understand life.  PR presents two main approaches in its explanation on the life and the world.

1. a philosophical explanation on where we came from and who we are and how we evolve.

in short it is an explanation on how radiation became an atom an cells and we at last, explaining the beauty and symbolism of it

2. an economic, social and political approach about how societies evolve (our objective relationships)

3.what can be said about our more subjective relations, evolving from instincts, emotions, feelings towards a more spiritual integration of those three categories of the soul-life ?(see 12 commandments)

4.which kind of actions can we undertake to improve the future of mankind, starting from one's own environment ? promoting a new universal international and telematics way of voting on a program and project elections instead of party elections and in the meanwhile supporting the currents on the left side of history as they try to acquire more influence in the traditional political system.

5.practical actions, look for people who are interested in one of those domains and come together to talk about it and get other people interested

English poems & new quotes

Intro-octo politico


























YOU ARE NOT A MINDLESS CREATURE.                                          




CUTS YOUR WINGS IF YOU DON'T BECOME ALIVE                                     

                                               questions for workers, dear comrades

Why is it we are still being ruled by representatives of bancs ?

Why you work so hard while so many are without a job ?

Why is having a job not normal ?

Why can't you easily find a new job ?

Why our telecom services, our energy and transport are not free ?

Why still not one world currency or an administration based on need ?

Why some of us need the rule of old ideologies to function ?

Why not our inner discipline or the one of our colleagues in charge ?

Why not we but them should be afraid of doing away with speculation ?

Why does the same product does not cost as much everywhere ?

Why is poverty a form of official slavery ?

Why so few people control so much wealth ?

Why so few robots command so many soldiers ?

Why religions are not as much spiritual then our inner energy ?

Why imperialism calls war humanitarian aid, free world and democracy ?

Why do criminals control economy, whether in USA ,ex- USSR or Liberia?

Why do trade unions follow the games of big money ?

Why do we not understand that 'foreigners' can be workers to ?

Why we still make weapons to kill our comrades elsewhere ?

Why do kings and queens still exist ?

Why not use technology and technocracy to build a beautiful world ?

Why doesn't education teaches more about human sciences ?

Why do we pay taxes as well for putting mines as demining them ?

Why do factories or companies close when demand is so big ?

Why are farmers payed to destroy or not produce, while so much hunger ?

Why so much short of housing ?

Why our dogs and cats eat more money than some earn ?

Why their system survives by means of crises, wars and exploitation .

Why do we keep on collaborating while modern fascism is so strong ?

Why our media talk in favour of what's going on ?

Why is the right to vote, the right to say yes to the system ?

Why don't we put forward our own program first ?

Why don't we defend our own alternative in the enterprises we work ?

Why don't we invite the jobless to join our reunions ?

Why don't we develop our  new strategy to put our demands in power ?


All around us , stalking everyone

Education and commerce, honoring it

Media feed the killing of medicine against it

Relations being kept within the old economical rules and instincts;

Not often the old borders are overcome

For the Madness, making love is reduced to fucking;

not a soul that penetrates and receives

another soul with it ’s sex .

For the Madness being spiritual is not about the connection between the elements that created us (earth, light, energy…)and our consciousness now… but all about making more money than your neighbor

For the Madness, working like robots is being stress free

For the madness underdevelopment is necessary

For the madness, no other society with free public services is possible

For the madness , it alone can guarantee disciplines

For the madness unemployment and war and poverty are normal

Madness can buy us, and then we feed it; whatever victories we think we made.


We vote for the ones with lots of money to spend on their campaigns

We vote to keep on producing inequality

We vote for further collaboration in wars and pollution

We vote to guarantee human rights for the few

We vote for less culture that touches our soul

We vote for keep on watching sensation

We vote for the ones who were in opposition before elections

We vote for the ones who did not make a difference in last election

We vote because our alternative isn't organised enough

We vote because we believe some cheap promises ...

that die behind their desks

Wonder if there will come a day that the individual realises his power

Comes at work and starts to work slower the first day, slower the second,

slowest the third...starts talking with his fellow-workers about it all.

Wonder if there will come a day when workers start talking about their lives : 

Do they get enough holiday ?  Why do they pay too much for everything ? 

Wonder when they will realise that a lot of the work they are doing is not necessary, and a lot is not being done.

Wonder why and when and how organisation will grow.

By demanding more money and by working less stressed ?

The money-system will die quicker, but will have to sack us even more.

Why not being one step ahead of this all : and demanding it's abolition ?

Wonder if we can be disciplined enough to keep on believing in our new dream. Wonder if we get used to work out of solidarity instead of working because out of necessity.  I think in the end we will.


To earn a living as a one man company can be a delight.

For many independent it has become an enormous fight.

It started years ago, if you were not a big farmer, you had to go.

Agroindustry has poisoned a lot of the cattle, it's time to start the battle.

Let's do away with injecting hormoon, antibiotics, giving dead meat to cow

The sensible and honest farmers know better how.

It isn't a question of being able to pay more for more quality.

But a question of honesty, not believing in insanity.

Investing in health instead of spilling to much wealth.

To earn a living as a little enterprise can be very nice.

Working together in a close team can sometimes be a dream.

But when competition gets to tough, workers often get enough.

Their little bosses being obliged to attack their former friends

No longer they can pay the same amount of cents.

To earn a living in State capitalism can be a mockery.

Because to many overpaid bureaucrats at the top can take away your job

Even while you are at work with no useful thing to do.

Or belonging to the part of the workers with too much to do.

Your life is really no delight and badly needs a fight.

To earn a living in a half State owned company

Is not the key for a better destiny.

Every month more oppression is invented.

A lot of rules divide the discontented.

The unions of class collaboration do not give the answers.

Just as the rest of bourgeois politicians they see us as puppet dancers.

Prices for services rice; proletarian masses atomise...

 is big money's only advice.

Meanwhile all those who think they can stay..

put on a comedy show to please the bosses in any way.

To earn a living in a big private capitalistic machine, is the biggest hell

We ought to do away with as well.

So later on we can tell children : work at ease, work is meant to please

Don't care about profit-making, the world is ours for the taking

Money is only something you can use to exchange

Handed over in more equal parts it can re arrange.

This speculation-mad world considers humans as economical worth.

Put the system out of it 's misery, where it belongs, with the dirt.

It's time to realise we pay a terrible price for this 'his masters-disguise'

Pollution, stress, poverty, wars and famine are things to examine

And to do away with in time...if not, we're also guilty of the biggest crime

text for the worker

You give the best of your own,  the invisible, living on your money get you down

Their money  makes you suffer, they control every second of your life

They use your mates to punish you when you get weak

Of course, they are better organised and control all structures

the newspaper, the art and TV, the internet and your talk at the pub.

Their parties got the power, their parliaments inspired by their race, their language, their ecology, their religion, their freedom of the strongest.

Their elections don't talk about exploitation, their unions locked you out,

or put each of you in an isolated box.  When are you going to attack ?

Of course, their order reigns and you've got some cash.

They keep on restructuring and close the factories

in times with so much hunger

What you fought for, they'll take back again.  Their new bloody world order marches ; while they spoil a few of us to keep strong themselves.

While old structures control, your own program, can't be born

You cannot choose your leaders, you stay isolated...afraid, they cut your wings each day... until you don't fly no more

and the next generation steps in their tricks again

Give us the right to live and work, we will create welfare and income

If their system cannot give this, we'll take the means for it

We don't need complicated calculations.  We count and divide.

Give us free subscriptions for almost everything, and we 'll do all the work;

our way, equally, without harming nature. 

Give us time to think and talk and discover who we are,

we're not just that political and economic animal,

we have our human needs as well

We want to discover other cultures, not bombing them. 

We want to get close to those  inner energies we discover,

not follow their rival churches.

We will make good things happen in time.

you call yourself a president ?

you declared war while no state attacked you

you use the words 'freedom' and 'liberty'

but in fact you mean ' domination' over the rest of the world

you can still smile, oh what a wonder...

while you see the mess you helped to create

let me give a reminder to  soldiers and workers

no nationalist issue is word a struggle for

no competition between companies is word to go on strike for

in fact your workers, who build your world are unemployed

by working for different wages, they already are at war

they are made to believe your world is theirs

while it is so silent here...

someone is made to believe he has to let a bomb go of

someone is paid to fight a war where the owners  of economy

try to get richer from

it is so silent here... it was so silent in many a village around the globe

before subsidized and armed madness blew the silence away

all kinds of egoism govern the world

they are inside a lot of us

that's why we follow the rules of the stock market

that's why we don't simple produce and distribute in a fair way

unnecessary activities give a false meaning to a lot of lives


under the control of the united nations

begins with workers occupying their weapon factories

begins with a ban on weapon sales worldwide

if no parliament on earth can achieve this

it can be achieved by the neighborhood  picketing before the stores

begins with a worldwide consumer strike against your government

begins with backing a united nations plan on disarmament

begins with using money for social purposes

begins with social development

begins with using global resources for the benefit of every nation

to the new generation

I say welcome to this life

They will say we are all socially equal

Is it so difficult to invent a society without poverty ?

We achieved a lot already.

Resources are used for the happy few.

Too much of speculation with money and stuff is going on.

The main reason for living is not that what you need to keep alive.

Use some other ways to find answers as well.

Learn to understand philosophy, history's youngest child.

A lot of political suffering is based on our negative emotions.

A lot of trouble is based on not following our hart and spirit

Money should be a way of exchanging, not the ultimate goal.

Middle East Madness

While parents try to give their children a good education.

While workers try to do their job.

While some try to survive like animals.

While stock markets push economical war over it 's  limits.

While evil is preparing it' s dominos of downfall.

While too many amongst us aren't educated in preparing for a real change.

While each day new heroes representing  the greedy ones are presented,

in fact ... idiots of the past.

It's a good thing she knows when to enter the gate of my heaven...

to strengthen me.

Kalhil Gibran doesn't have the same pessimistic view

on dead then the patriarchs over there

everybody has a name

My name is combination.  I combine.  The innocent aspirations of youth,

with the illusions and des illusions of reality, of growing up,

with the hopes for new illusions to believe in,

with the fate that we evolve to the real lessons, to the real feeling,

to the best act in real art's NOW

                                    I combine.  The pains and joys of the past,

with understanding the present ones

with the aspirations of tomorrow

with all the energy deep inside me

                                    I combine.  The political theories

with the working conditions,

with the real emotional world of daily people,

with wanting to change things

                                    I combine.  The news on war, poverty, famine,

with all kind of wealth disease,

with all kinds of unhappiness that reigns,

with breaking the solitude of the individual

                                    I combine.  The living and the dead,

with the longing for fulfilment

with wanting to recognise , who in fact I am,

with observing all kinds of forgotten energies

                                    I combine.  Friendship and Love and Lust

with satisfaction and negative emotions,

with solutions and new problems,

with rest and unease

                                    I combine, I combine, I combine.

I cannot do otherwise,  I try, I always have to combine.

Because combination shall be my name untill it's no longer necessary...

and I'll become ...another  world ?   

                 _8888  OCTO   888


the dry leaf leaves the three

what a windy musical way to go, who left who ?

the three the leaf or the leaf the tree ?

the answer : as one as chicken and egg...that will do.

in every atom there is already an idea

like it takes you and me to get to three

philosophy makes this interaction understood

from where life began till what's to be done

the more patient and wise

the more nihilism loses it' s disguise

no distance between reptile and human being

now we understand, then we were only seeing

life, one big orchestra of real art

each of us playing our daily part

dating back from times nobody counted the days

when space and matter wanted to find a way

to express by word and image where they came from

to unfold the mystery of the becoming of real freedom

even if you do not act ...you do !

the never ending spiritual adventure needs you too

life is not only about genes being created

but also about values being updated

the laws of nature are the notes of life

matter wrote the symphony for the piece of man and wife

matter became us, we became friends, family, lovers...

...why, is what we will have to discover

our essences confront each other

sometimes we help by not helping, not bother

biology transmits it's problems and solutions

the new generations always ad to the conclusions

love is lightening the strong and weak parts

it proves that living together is the greatest art

peace will come in the hart of the one with the honnest soul

 Your name is COMBINATION.

Preserve the earth from destruction and lead the people towards better lives.

The world is one, never ever forget.  There is only one life and one world, take your responsibility and live as intensive as possible.  Be light to be a guide.  Go to the streets, speak of joys to be. Your place is everywhere you will feel free.  Observe, restrain your forces. Show them what the material world and the spiritual matter is all about.

The truth is very simple.  It’s hidden in the past, lives in the presents and needs the future. Why is there so little joy to be found amongst many ?  People do not wonder enough about who they really are and what the life they lead really means.  They should be more philosophers than materialists, they should ask themselves why they can’t always ‘deal’ with their emotions, why they live in a society of wealth and poverty, peace and war, stress at work and unemployment.

But there are other reasons for the lack of joy also. ..reasons I cannot write about yet…and reasons one cannot write about »


When everything you wanted to write about life, has been written.

When everything you wanted to speak about, has been said.

When you've experienced all about love and hate.

When you've tried everything to influence the battle for power.

Then you realise you've only touched the mechanisms,

even dough you added a lot of undiscovered things.

Then you feel that even only in trying, you changed things,

while the negative tensions kept on giving life to the positive.

Then, when absolute calm is restored, you hear your inner voice again.

What was and is IT (she-he?) always talking about ?

Then you start wondering, why did it made you feel heavenly,

why did in some periods, it made you confuse ?

Could it be that matter and mechanisms are one thing

and the energy that makes that energy travel ...another ?

Could it be that matter or mechanisms also can make sick

and do so because the original real strength must recover ?

Could it be that real strength is always being challenged

and must descend in to where the change is due to come from ?

Oh purest voice of sensitivity

let your part of  wind blow, your part of matter glow,

your part of the water rise, your part of light inspire,

so I'll know what to write in a new way;

because the sky, as well as other matter, is full of hidden energy

Oh dearest destiny, show me the narrow pad

between rationality and the inner voices of intuition,

show me which seeds where to plant

so I and we can act more then as one

because truth otherwise causes to much suffering

Energetic quotes to meditate upon

Life is a training in understanding, resisting and enjoying.

To be able to support one another, one can learn.

There always are ordinary, special and to secret reasons why people do not get along.

After a hard winter, feeling spring, proud having survived.

Do not become a slave of money and then just die.

When one thinks about someone, often a library is opened in your head.

The higher the wisdom, the more intensity of observation, calm, the more mature the deed.

Such a strange ‘for’ feeling about others or yourself, where does it come from ?

Sometimes we only remember the dialogues we did not understand.

Analyzing what really happened often works on a longue term, afterwards.

Thinking positively sometimes needs it’s blessings and conflicts.

Drifted to far away from what you should be doing, it harms doesn’t it ?

Existing in function of the energy one leaves behind and regenerate from time to time.

The soul of a biological home, embryo, transformer to the spiritual world ?

Ration and Logic fall in love with muse and fantasy and give birth to inspiration.

Why is a first impression often so important .

Do you ever get the feeling something very funny is about to happen ?

Continuing doing what you don’t like sometimes for someone has an advantage.

Out of free will doing something important with positive consequences, special event.

When you feel too good, polarity is ready around the corner.

What happens always happens on a scale of evolution.

Something one completely forget, all at once it is there when one needs it.

One loves hearing people talk, but not if it is empty talk.

Orientate on your own strength to keep on your own course.

Sometimes one hides info for you, sometime it is best hidden for you.

Knowledge, red carpet for spirituality

Letting go weight by laughing, observing, showering, moving, toilet, walking… .

Marvelous, when taught flow through you without effort.

Madness sometimes is a crush because of touching the sky to long or crawling too much.

Distance and walking together, both needed.

Understanding interaction in how things and situations come in too being.

Images that become symbols of and grow and grow to more insights.

Intuition is where one’ s  soul reaches the spiritual world.

Interpretation of events, emotions, feelings, intuition…a lifelong task.

Like the weather, moods change, due to a number of conditions.

Preparing for each kind of moment when one meets someone serves the dialogue.

Sticking to a good feeling very often makes a lot more possible.

Posing questions at one’s self and others with the aim of getting more conscious.

In relations, separate the possibilities clearly from the difficulties.

A sense full of words can have more implications then practical and psychological ones.

Words are symbols of the daily as well as the spiritual.

Space and time, a lot more relative then we might imagine.

Send positive things in the direction of others, without always accepting missions.

Just ask for the strength your inner needs, when strength fails you.

Do there have to be studies about the healing power of knowledge, insights, wisdom… ?

In each period of your life you awake in yourself the things you must deal with.

Passing thoughts without words becomes easier when one exists intensively.

Measuring the evolution of oneself and the people one knows, not so easy.

The DNA, where past lives and works ?

To reach something, risk something even if it goes step by step and the summit is not yours.

Through the ones you know you understands the total picture more, sometimes less.

A searches for meaning is a kind of detective.

Magnetism, pigeons find their way home, we need a map.

Everything is a remix of what came before, with more and more consciousness.

Dead. Like a train station near the see…it seems like this is it.

Radiation. Physics. Chemistry. Bio. Soul. Thought. .Art. Spirit. Radiation.

Do not be each other’ s volcano that prohibits one from flying.

Burst out in something, that you get it over with.

Understand who you are and that you are who you were looking for.

Being is smaller than matter, but a lot bigger.

Each one knows the way he is, but not completely.

Evolution of radiation to our soul and radiation again. Holy trinity.

Are seeds in the air aware of where they can land to flourish ?

Put the top of a lemon in water and you get rings around the sun.

Lives, living, constantly prepared. Prepare to want.

The leaves of indignation lead to understanding sometimes.

To be or not to be, but what is to be ?

Watch out for accepting nearly  impossible tasks.

You are a part of the solution as well.

Doing what one does, moment by moment.

Getting closer to the spiritual is living through all ,passed to you, facets of the soul.

Connecting the first impressions with the last for the time of being always.

The more confronting reality is, the more one pushes it away.

Not feeling well is not meant to push in the direction of others.

The karma of our own lives is looking for balance.

Do all personages know the meaning of the pieces they play in ?

Emotionally this is both a dangerous as heavenly world.

Our bio –soul- spirit produces better stuff then the factories of pharmacy.

One knows who one is by understanding the past better.

From an early age knowing what is in front of you, it does not work like that, but… .

That one and that one will meet, slowly understanding why.

Dead. Return to separate elements. Radiation. Relations. Exchange ?

Life is a daily preparation of improvement of the quality of being.

One cannot remember all of the inspiration…it will find road to reach us again.

Wisdom not only comes on a top, also by descending, resting, meditating.

Dreaming, a surrealist remix, works of art with and without message.

Earth, hereafter, thereafter, always NOW is more easy to understand.

Time, does it exists only for those who do not feel well in their skin ?

The past, that what was, always in repetition to prepare the next show.

Both the literate and not literate do not always understand all structures.

One often forgets, speaking words, thinking is energy as well. Energy has consequences.

Energy is also faith, acting, believing… .

Insight that leads to energy is shared, exchange, experienced, not only tapped.

One cannot and does not have to be able to support all the pain of others.

Being satisfied often  helps against too much or too little.

Keep on swallowing without learning, you must be wanting to become a zombie

Each awakening is a change to write a prolongation.

Wanting somebody at your side and only thinking of yourself is nearly emptiness.

In the book off all, each person is one of the different kinds of personages.

To give yourself your life back, understand it’s roots and plant understanding.

On moments you realizes the meaning of it all…one feels great.

On joins life starting from all those reasons for living of others too.

You’ve got it, or you don’t…or nearly, but you can get it…what ?

The meanings of the meaningful, hard to understand ? Nonsense easier ?

Becoming is experiencing by observing and acting or not acting.

Acting or not acting. The wright words, silence, listening, intervening...

…by doing so, wisdom an progress come easier…interpreting the unbalances.

In fact sometimes everything is too crazy for words.

Connecting and combining while understanding is almost the French word ‘religion’.

Make some time for nature from time to time.

Observe and commentate inside, outside, free from stress and circumstances.

Wish some good things from time to time.

The greater your interests and your desire to know you are and what you can do, the more you can control your life. Emotions are a teacher in different phases. We can change direction every time we understand more and know what we want and don’ t want.       Then we can act or not act from a balance situation…with the hope and believe that this acting will be positive for yourself and others…even if in the beginning it does not appear like it will be.  Who can understand for others which direction will be positive for them ? The answers lay in our environment for the grasping if we really want…if we didn’t give up searching, that is.

Without wires, there isn’t a single electrical lamp that burns (except for those with an inner battery).  We exist because of inner power and connections.

Economy’s daughter Social married a guy named Politics…

And they had many children in different states and stages

Situations tend to function quite a bit different then they are described in that part of the media that has to many readers or watchers. Independent judgment is only possible when one considers the situation and the needs of the world as a whole. Learning to put facts in a broader perspective, dealing with insinuations. The more one succeeds in doing so, the more chance a progressive policy gets. Most of let things go their way and only when situations are really too much to take and one unites only to save a part of the furniture, leaving structures as they are, because politically the social movement was an orphan.

We are connected not only by blue lines (personal relations), but also by red lines, the econ-socio-politico-eco ones in fact.  Our blue lines can benefit from a good condition of our red lines. The red lines are dominated by all political parties from far right to the spectrum of the left parties. If the individual no longer wants to stay without a voice concerning wars, poverty and social and ecological issues…or does not learn how to use telematics to oblige politicians to listen to them…the decadent part of politics will continue for much longer. (see text ‘to all’  on http://bloctaafblogartist.webs.com/apps/blog/ ) (and to ‘dear fellow world occupier’) on http://bloggen.be/conscience2008 ) We must obtain insight and a vision in order to understand history on his way to providing the planet with an ecological system of production so that in the end, if we plan this socially, we can span more free time in doing other things related to the meaning of life.  Most of us have a daily life consciousness that prevents them from understanding what is happening fully and shows them in what kind of play they play. One has to learn how one can become as objective as can be. The higher the degree of collective consciousness the more possibilities for the  individual.  Why so many people rather like a populist then an intellectual approach ?  They really want to show solidarity but they are divided in a lot of groups.

Planetary News 2040

My grandson Oliver, aged 24, was reading the international topics.

“Next week, an adjustment to the planetary constitution program will be voted on worldwide. If it is accepted with a majority on a worldwide scale, it will be implemented at the start of next year, 2040.  Since the world has evaluated to a place where everyone is entitled to a job or, a kind of basic income or both, and the ones who are working in production or services areas as well can freely chose in which period they can contribute to society or take some time off for personal development or whatever, and since the new constitution of 2024 has led to a completely other world; WOCOMAS, the world council for managing society after a number of debates in the regional world councils, REWOCO, has decided to finalize the process of the need to have armies.  Since every war has being ended and all layers of humanity work together in harmony to produce what is needed and a place to live and public services are guaranteed, and there is no more hunger or ideological disputes, for 16 years now already;  not a single military bullet was fired, only police forces war armed.  From 2040 onwards the old military structures will only to be used to tackle nature disasters quickly and massively.  The expectation is that people in mass will vote for the final reconversion of their armed military forces.       Some years ago they already voted to end the production of guns and other large scale aggressive products; but now the process was in  his last phase. “

Being nearly 84; there were times in the earliest years of this century and the one before I never would have thought ‘we’ would come this far. The world, by solving it’s economical and bureaucratic problems and financial barriers (the huge influence of speculators of all kind and the law of maximum profit) had completely changed in those perspectives.  Every citizen was in a very telematics way administrated by one of the fifteen projects he belonged to. One is born and the local council project takes the dates from the health project over and automatically informs the other projects : education, work, housing, energy, telematics, transport, environment, agriculture, production, distribution, social security, culture and money.  As one gets older, all the information about someone can be found in one of those 15 projects.  This system had a different view on things.  Money for example, was only used in an administrative way. In the project Telematics worked for example 100 million people, with the difference between income scales being 1 to 3…one could easily on the base of using one WOCU (world currency) calculated how much the total costs of making use of telematics would be, added with other costs. There were no phone bills any more even, because for each customer, the same amount of WOCU digits was taken each month automatically from his or her account.  The same system was used in every other project of society, except for the things one buys in shops.  The entire ministry of Finance of all kind of councils in the world, had a lot more easier job, because in fact each worker paid more or less paid the same taxes…and what was sold in the little shops, a fixed amount was taken in to account automatically. And since workers had a different life style with much more free time as before and jobs that they could easily switch, only small scale and middle scale enterprises were privately owned, the big multinationals, in great numbers had become collectively owned and managed by the whole population, by means of the councils, both on a world and local scale. People again could become farmers if they wanted to, after decades of practically 1per cent working on the land. 

Suddenly Oliver said : “so, tell me again when things really changed with this world that was pretty chaotic in your days grandpa Joseph”.

I took a more comfortable seat.  “Well, as I probably told you before, you will often think on occasions you will hear me talk about those matters; it was about the end of the 20th century when ideologies started taking another path. Collectivism was a bit slower than the severe discipline in capitalistic production units…one could not loose one’s job not as easily in the Sovjet Union in those days…but less goods were produced and due to imperialist tensions between the greatest countries, the USSR fall apart.   A lot of people thought it was the end of history; but the war tensions became even greater in and between nations.  There was not only the divide between each new emerging nation, like the Chinese one, who had understood that the way forward was combining it’s one party system with a great deal of collective ownership with individual enterprises and responsibility; there also became a religiously masked movement, politically orientated, with the same imperialistic projects as its rivals.  The age of terrorism and wars, was not what people had hoped for when they celebrated the new 21th century.  Now it was the turn of the capitalistic system to fall apart, after his stage of globalization, when there were to many who believed the neo liberal profits would have no ending and no obstacles to overcome.  The turning point, was the year 2008 when stock markets fell and the value of money and state defaults began to have crisis effects on employment, profits and so on.  More and more wars for oil in fact and more and more places were as soon as elections were held, the results were rejected by as well the ruling layers of bourgeoisie or segments of  the mass of people.  It became more and more different amid social unrest to even form a government that good find a way out of thos difficult international issues.  Finally, the going and acting together of a lot of progressive groups resulted in the demand that people should have the right to have another kind of elections as the one based on the Greek democracy some thousand years ago…more and more the demand to vote by approving a global program first and then in a second round appointing the people responsible on project lists, not party lists, was heard.  Finally the United Nations took control of this new democratic process…and people were paid the same digits for driving a truck in Polen a in Brussels as in Katmandu.  The success of these this kind of democracy grew as hunger and wars were stopped.  A huge campaign to make those changes acceptable and to encourage people to take part in them was put in place by the progressive groups and parties who had started the change; or rather all those kind of different changes who had become necessary.

I myself worked in the department of education.”…to be continued





Why don't we put forward our own program first ?

Why don't we defend our own alternative in the enterprises we work ?

Why don't we invite the jobless to join our reunions ?

Why don't we develop our  new strategy to put our demands in power ?


Can lessons from class-struggle become determinant  ?

Words must be used properly,otherwise you get unnecessary misunderstandings. For example 'communism' is a system that is based on the collective ownership of the means of production a distribution ,in function of the most simple administration and without a salary system or commodity-production(no prices, no pay), a system that replaces the conditions under which we work under capitalism ore state-capitalism. Such a system didn't ever exist (or in a primitive way maybe). Attempts to establish such a system have always been answered with arms or with technical and  sabotage from groups who were afraid of losing their benefits. And what is 'socialism' then ? Is it a phase between capitalism and communism ? A certain degree of 'nationalised' economic property still based on salary and commodity production, with more serious prices for the goods?

What do they mean by improving 'democracy'? Democracy means "the power of the people". Under 'people' you can understand as well the aristocracy(nobles), the bourgeoisie (the little group of enormously wealthy owners of big companies, banks… .) as well as the 'petit-bourgeoisie(owners of little firms, State leaders, important .functions…)or even the small independent or the workers and farmers…if you understand this under 'people' then maybe you think it's normal that political power is divided between political parties and the very well paid Congres and coalition governments. That's one way of putting it…but how about social and economic equality ?

Residents are not 'citizens' . 'Citizens' replaced the ruling aristocracies, thanks to the hunger-uprisings of the poor, who were not organised politically yet. If you understand with 'people', the ones having to sell their labour or the small independents struggling with monopoly-capitalism, then you are a proletarian and capitalism made you the strongest, (that is only in numbers) Who has the majority can rule. Why is there then so much social misery, war, exploitation ? Do collectivist want this then…or can we do without the devastating way capitalism tries to be progressive in ?

Why is capitalism socially a demoded system ?

What is the difference between 'bourgeois' and 'collectivist' democracy ? How should the last one be organised ?

Is it still a useful tactic for collectivists to participate in elections ? Do the classical bourgeois parties represent the interests of the workers you think ? Aren't fascism and bourgeois democracy just two complementary forms of ruling of the money-elite over the workers ? In which way also bourgeoisie can stay in power by using the analyses and programs of parties claiming to be workers-parties ? Can workers continue to struggle without a blueprint of their society in mind ? What do workers still understand from the lessons of the past and why are they trapped in the old bourgeois and proletarian way of thinking about history ?

How to do away with corporatism and develop solidarity and how can a new proletarian culture replace the money guided circus our society is ? How to develop our consciousness about all this in daily life ? Is working like slaves for anonymous shareholders est ,or hunger, or underdevelopment where the old system has no other answer to then war and further exploitation ?

Because words were and are so misused , let's call us collectivists and not base us entirelly on one figure in proletarian history( for a collectivist alternative, read : http://philosophicalresistace4.skynetblogs.be

or mail to philosophicalresistance&gmail.com

After reading this you will notice that a lot of arguments and discussions will lose their sense or get a solution :which ?: the 'one' ore the 'more party system'/substitution (the party rules instead of the soviets)/enterism (working as a little group, penetrating in other parties…to take over/ self managment (within the capitalistic .system/nationalisations/state-capitalism or not/alliances with national bourgeoisie or not/federalism-self independence/syndicalism/ participation in elections/…

By managing society under non-capitalistic conditions the collectivist democracy can develop through the projects.

Collectivists who are in for this kind of revolution are getting tired of arguing about the mistakes of their great examples (this can be very interesting) but why is capitalism after so much time, still in power, still the ruling ideology ?

The history of working class looks like a war-saga, with different parties trying to take power, who succeed and then become attacked by capitalism or it's collaborators in the very own proletarian circles. Most revolutionaries think that the alternative for power will emerge from the spontaneously to emerge councils, or from 'democratic centralism' in a proletarian vanguard-party. Realistically it cannot be otherwise or those traditionally wished 'councils' or central committees of the vanguard-parties will contain such differences in opinions and will be so infiltrated, that the mass of workers will not be able to orientate themselves : not anymore on the corporatist demands of the State allied trade unions, not anymore on the left bourgeois-parties or not on those expecting miracles from the 'democratic' debate in the councils. Without alternative goals and a revolutionary workers-consciousness which stop ownership of the big business and the right to decide on financial issues as a non-worker, we will get nowhere, we will not know what to do.

Without managers and control commissions in the factories and companies, without local and internationally organised political leaders and clean deals…we will obtain no control.

Almost all strikes and initiatives collapse without global alternative. Revolutionaries these days put their hope on the collapse of capitalism, on a purely 'asking for more money' or less time to work, without seeing capitalisms real condition the last hundred years. Capitalism has tied workers in a hundred ways, why shouldn't workers put forward their maximum demands ? We are the youngest class in history…can we take power while letting capitalism survive ?

When will 'the last ones' finally become 'the first ones'?

Each group in proletarian history has had it's benifits and mistakes that were bound to happen because of the circumstances of time and space, bureaucracy, privileges…

The utopian tried it on a small scale. Marx and Engels showed that living conditions and not so much great personalities make history and got in the clinch with people like Bakoenin who saw revolution rather more as an immediate coup, who could not be led by a mass party, but by a group of maybe hundred revolutionaries, spread over Europe, infiltrating everywhere, to take over the' rule from as well the bourgeois organisations as the International Workers Association and put it in the hands of his Alliance.(he did not succeed) Seventeen years after the end of the International Workers Association The mass parties that grew under the rise of social .democracy established the Socialist International (second 1889)

In 1914 when the great majority of German Social  Democratic approved the funds to fight the war , communists left it to establish the third int.

The councils who for the first time in history emerged on the scene , got a second change in 1917. The Bolshevik helped to fight the councils theoretically and practically against the old parliamentary  and aristocratic influences. After the revolution 14 foreign armies attacked the young Russian republic which had to be built again from practically zero. In Germany after world war one ,a revolution which was ended by the military forces with the aid of social democrats 'showing themselves as revolutionaries' paved the way for the success of a big noise with a little moustache . Despite the electoral success of the Kommunist Partei Deutschland, KAPD,…the skinny painter supported by the bourgeoisie would win, because he got the money to create a bit of jobs by means of state-capitalism (arms production, roads…)to gain support. Few people understood that capitalism needed war to survive. In the mean while a Georgian fellow lead a big heavy industrialisation process which helped to beat nazism.

He lead a party that was  much based on bureaucratic  and strategical deals with the fully capitalist countries and stopped the process in the councils. Necessary from a military viewpoint or not in those days…to many wanted a more-party system for their own reasons, that's for sure !?

Ownership became less private ,but the production relations did not alter (still salaries, commodities) so it was not really a system you could call 'communist'…it was a social experiment under terrible conditions; an economy of trying to survive, while the world got on fire once more. The experiment couldn't compete with the purely capitalist states who had accumulated money to start again once more thanks to war-benefits, and the urss degenerated in the direction of revisionism ( reconciliation of capitalists and reformists) As a consequence : the economy of a part of the east, became a hunting ground again for western capitalism.

Next time some viewpoints of different vanguard-parties, which illustrate all this.

As it comes to butchering working class, all States know how to divide the work between them . We saw it in Spain in the civil war, in Italy some years later… Very 'honourable'? men like Churchill for example commanded the bombing of Dresden, a town with no strategical value…but filled with deserters and revolutionary workers at the time… and who ordered to drop some atomic bombs when Japan was already defeated?

In imperialist wars, workers SHOULD not choose the side of one of the fighting states, they make revolution in their own country, OR  should not listen if they are told  to disarm (like in Italy-strikes of 1943- where once again like in Spain, communists would join a 'government of national unity' that obeyed the currents who saved capitalism)Were these results the maximum that was possible those days ?

They would next time better listen to the left part of those claiming to represent them…and who know that 'Stalinists' as well as 'Trotsky' as others made -'mistakes'-(but was really possible under those circumstances ?)

where they are trying to learn from.

Maybe collectivists can discover a way of avoiding civil war when they work out new tactics of preventing imperialist war ... and changing society more peacefully.

Some  s u b j e c t i v e problems

Promoting consciousness remains a difficult task in these days, but as Marx explained, the objective situation is on our side… the most difficult part remain the subjective living conditions that determine our ideological links with the ruling class. To this we can also add the emotional, and living conditions or the bourgeois  that claim a monopoly on 'spiritual-live'…as if materialists do not have a vision on this…an eternal one…as eternal as the life of the electrons out of which everything that exists exists.  The media then…another obstacle :can we find a way in which on a large scale we can promote the idea that we are being told a lot of lies and rubbish ?

Not all is against us dough. In my spare time I visited let's say about 25000 political homepages on the net .

The left is far more better represented then the right. Very easily (one recognises the crab from the titles of the pages) I found about a 1000 groups or individuals who took my attention and I mailed about 400 of them, getting some 200 mails or visits of the collectivist homepage back)

Let's hope more and more young people or older, unemployed or not will start digging into their collectivist past and discover that they hold the key to the future of a better world. Let's hope afterwards they start thinking about uniting to discuss what can be done. Let's hope their numbers will have grown on the decisive moments. Let's hope the old rulers won't be able to let us go and fight the workers of other countries no more…in the mean time they manage to do this on an economical level…we even fight the workers on our own factory floor, …some of us are put in anger because they haven't got jobs and others do…another easy victory for capitalism. Every fight against our family, friends or lover(s) is energy that cannot be used against our real exploiters… so find your inner calm and resolve your relation problems in a human way : try to become emotional strong, because we have a whole new kind of other world to win…a world in which we will be able to discover the never ending story of your consciousness that tries to enrichen itself before the 'corpus', this 'germ' dies and leaves its fruits… Start observing your world today with other eyes and find out how it works, intervene, come up for the rights of your class, don't capitulate, find out when best to retreat, or which is a good tactic. Share your impressions. Educate yourselves and others. Think before you speak, when you get carried away by your blood. Do not lose your sense of humour, it will help you to learn how to be patient…every process takes it' s own time, when you are ahead , you know this can sometimes be a handicap to you as well as a privilege.

Learn how to counter statements your fellowmen read or heard in the bourgeois controlled media.

Learn to talk in public. If you are afraid to act, those thoughts will grow and you will even be more afraid afterwards.

Overcome your inner barriers, discover the undiscovered part of yourself. Live is more than acting and thinking as robots.

Live was not meant to be lived as to much of us live it today.

If we do not improve certain situations things will get worse for us all. For those without seeing the problems : more States poses atomic bombs; each day unemployment and war dominate the news, increasing exploitation tries to save capitalism but problems are getting bigger.  Please start thinking and acting.

Read also the following articles :OPAA :  Octo's Politcal Analyses & Alternatives 








OPAA :  Octo's Politcal Analyses & Alternatives 


            An ideology is a way to understand life and it's different practical an theoretical meanings.  Consciousness is born each time practical experiences ead to theoretical tinking and result in orientating and acting in an adapted way.  Political history gives us much examples of this.  Sometimes only reforms are possible.  Sometimes revolutionary reforms are being pushed by circumstances... a real revolution shall become possible when the global picture of circumstances is understood by a more interdisciplinary and worldwide orientated consciousness.  The same laws that guide history also can be found in our own emotional and intellectual development and even in some relationships we encounter.

Consciousness is born out of matter, like theory is born out of practice.

If theories are not based on practice, we call them fantasies, which can be nice or dangerous or both.  We call this 'idealism', it leads to confusion because it's no longer 'materialism'.  Sometimes illusions are necessary to get back on the road of reality.  Both in social as in personal life.

            The theoretical way to understand life, is studying all the existing rational, objective sciences and combining them with the more subjective sciences and inject the result into practical life.  The subjective science depend on the objective ones because without 'matter' there can be no consciousness.  At the same time the hierarchical weight of the subjective prevents the objective laws to impose them self on the general evolution of society and the human being...but this is always a temporary process.  An ideology is a way to understand both the history and present stage of the world and its consequences on global living conditions.

            However great some existing differences in exploitation might be, capitalist ideology also tends to evolve in the direction of socialist ideology...because the foundation for a world economy and the way to manage it by modern technical means, still increase...this shall be an advantage once proletarians shall reunite in an effective and revolutionary way.  And they shall, because the capitalistic inner contradictions that scientific socialism pointed out, still seem to remain unsolvable.  But nobody holds a crystal ball, so let's not insult each other if we have different opions on the economic strength of capitalism.

Important to remember is that a decreasing economy leads to a weakening of the ideology of the ruling class...at least if the oppressed class is not beaten physically or brought to poverty...or has to little class consciousness left.  The first task of the most conscious human beings with an orientation towards proletarian ideology, must be to understand these process of evolution.  Ones they do, they must present a global and general program of managing society and experiencing life in a different way.  Theoretical explanations should correspond with the practical conditions they try to explain...but they should try to always be one step ahead.

            Feodal ideology, with the aristocracy as it' s ruling class, based it's power on an unclear concept of 'God',(and not on the eternal forces of nature who produced and developed consciousness) and mainly on the ownership of land and consequently economic and military power.

While all kind of historical facts happened according to changing living conditions and while the bourgeois rulers of the capitalist system used the proletarian discontent to take power from the nobles, they started developing the means of production and the production forces.  The world was (and still is) forged and forced together in a very unethical way : wars, famine, unemployment, ecologic disasters, exploitation).

            Capitalist ideology based it's power mainly on the private ownership of the means of production, on the production of commodities, trade and a wage system...while in theory the really socialist thinkers of the last 150 years wanted to abolish these bourgeois-based things; in practice they had to be satisfied with all kind of economic, social ande political reforms that nowadays lead to a degree of wealth for only a limited number of workers.  While in theory the socialist thinkers wanted communism, they saw State-Capitalism being established; while they wanted to abolish the State, they saw it being transformed in a strengthened apparatus in function of bourgeois ideology.

            While they looked for  unity amongst proletarians, they got divided on theoretical and practical or even personal bases.  While reformism helped survive capitalism and the final technical revolution is now taking place and the world becomes more and more a global private company...it SEEMS  bourgeois ideology overcame it's inner contradictions.

Suppose the capitalist system manages to create one world market and one company or a high standard of living for the whole planet, shall it then have overcome it's contradictions ?  No, because exploitation and surplusvalue shall continue to lead to overproduction.     So why capitalism continues to dominate ?  Because  we continue to accept their ideology.  Because our weaknes, capitalism can continue it's often historical task in an often bloody way.  They still have the economil and military power to do so.

            While every different group of scientific socialists has it' s own calculations on the economical fitness of the current ruling system, no real alternative way of managing society is being put forward.  While the bourgeois class and it's managers and politicians continue to invent more organisation in function of keeping in power; the majority of social or political 'workers'-organisations, limit themselves mainly to the small  and limited economical battles.  While the little 'gains' of this struggle within the borders of the system try to maintain the  different living standards of the different groups of modern proletarians...no organised group of workers not even claims an equal income for everybody in its program...and no group explains how a society without a wage system and commodity production can produce and distribute in a more or less equal way.  Are we afaid to use our imagination ?  Do we need the hierarchical discipline and structures of our current economic, social and political rulers ?  Are we, the millions who lead the practical day to day live that state, company and family  offer us, so brainwashed that we keep on walking in the mill that the bourgeois-media keeps turning for us ?

            How can we learn to get more assertive in a proletarian way ?

By taking an intrest in phylosophy, politics, history...  By studying our own concrete living conditions where we work and live.  By realising that the emotional and psychologic  problems we are all confronted with (whether in ourselves or in all our different kinds of relations), are getting worse by the current system of production.  That's where real ideology is all about, it's really a kind of spiritual matter that has nothing to do with the classical ideology of 'religion' seen in a conservative way, but with combining and connecting all the different kinds of consciousness we came to mention in this text and others.  Human beings can get a lot of energy from being conscious about these kind of things...or it can make them sick, because they realise they cannot change the world on their own : 'workers unite'.


            As I explain in the text 'a change in attitude', there are a lot of problems facing our social and economic lives.  I already explained a lot of political problems and put forward some solutions for those rather objective areas of life.  If you want, I could compare these explanations and solutions once again with those of other individuals or groups or PARTies...but I'm not going to do this in this text.  Every explanation or solution is PART of the way things evoluate in the course of the real future  of mankind that is to be expected.  Each view and alternative, whether based on an existing reformistic power or on the possible revolutionary challenges; reflects a certain degree of consciousness, based on material positions in society, as well as on the degree of subjective consciousness we've reached : for those who do not understand, I'm talking about less measurable things  like solidarity, emotional, psychological ...even spiritual consciousness.

            Solidarity is the collective as well as individual emotion we need to do our share of the work or our collective, again individual capacity to react and organise in favour of groups of people under threat of unemployment, war, famine, disaster... .  We still are dominated by the kind of ideology that says we should think as individuals, reacting only on our individual interests.  That's why unions still are so corporatist and why big strikes for more general demands or manifestations against wars...still have so little impact.  That's why a lot of us need things like money and being exploited as a stimulus to make us do any work at all.  That's why absolute hierarchical organisation is still more effective then freely agreed and spontaneous arangements.


            In the former century, the 1917-revolution,  in what was the beginning of the former Sovjet Union, took the country from a backward capitalist and semi feudal country on the road to a state-capitalistic economy.  The different groups that were the main players leading the developments and changes that farmers and workers or other classes demanded, were already active in other countries like Germany...(mainly social-democrats) and they would have splits, ends and regroups upon till today.  In the last years of tsarism one could find ones political inspiration in groups like the cades, the social-revolutionaries, the Bolshevik, Anarchists...  .

            Today, some workers groups claim that capitalism was already decadent at the beginning of the century.  In a moral way this is indeed very true.  But in an economical way; that is in relation to the technological progress to be made and the production forces that were to be developed, this is not an entirely deepened pointed of view.  Since the military and bureaucratic State power proved to be stronger then the revolts and organisation of the workers, they did not get the opportunity to prove that they could organise and develop the economy as 'disciplined' as the bourgeois State and companies could.  After each revolution (that was in fact a 'revolt'), followed a counter-revolt...ending between the first and second world war in fascism...as a kind of Super State capitalism.  Were the minds already prepared to do away with the wage system and the production of commodities (commerce) in those days ?

            Since the consciousness of each social class traduces itself in different degrees of consciousness; there were a lot of different kinds of proletarian parties confronting established parties that were supposed to represent workers.  Unity seemed to be and still is impossible on the basis of party dogma's.  No unified program to present the workers had any success  It could not have been otherwise, because the result of some

evolutions on a certain point in time and place cannot be other than the product of the material and ideological conditions people life under.

One cannot expect of people having to work 12 hours a day, and having little welfare, that they take an intrest in reading about revolution in an academic way.  In our times the bourgeois-system tries to poison our minds with the values of their ideological (often idiotical) way of life...so we would stay as atomised as they would like us to be and to prevent that we get conscious of the fact that in reality we merely are the tools they are using.  The way we lead our lives is the way they want us to lead our lives.  We are beiing kept conditioned for their aims.

            Should we wait for their economy to collapse once more in an unbearable way or should we wait for the moment when the new magical mystery toy of  globalism meets massive resistance...or for the moment when people get fed up of stressed working and living conditions...and rise in an organised why against this all ?  Should we wait until some people do not cling as much to their luxe anymore and become active ?

We, the ones knowing about the theoretical history, think too much only in terms of whether one is a Leninist, Trotskist, Stalinist...or another 'ist' with a family name before it.  How are we going to intervene in the process of workers eventually wanting to take power ?  Now that we have elaborated our theories and each variety of ideas exist, how are we going to regroup ?  Points of view can be different and we must keep on writing good articels, but we should be very prudent.

            One should be as realistic to recognize  the fact that for example China today is a more modern State then it was in 1927, because the Chinese CP-policy, in spite of it 's numerous mistakes or alliances with the forces of the right at that time, contributed to that proces.

One should be able to say, without being insulted that some benefits ; acquired under the former social experiments in the former USSR or the DDR, were better than the daily live an increasingly part of their populations have now anno 2001 .  Without being distrusted, one should be able to say that in times of war , the 'revolutionary theory of ‘defaitism' (the war against each nation's own establishment) was more easy to put into practice in the days of the Russian Tsarism then in fascist occupied Europe.

            After all our studying and writing we should become able to put forward our own program to be voted on one day.  Afterwards the ones to control such a program could be appointed by international elections also...no elections where voters can vote on 'parties', but international elections on PROJECTS.  We have already a lot of concrete propositions on this...maybe you have also.  Why wait untill workers liberate themselves on their own and start leadin 'councils'  'democratically'.  Will then the majority be , as by a happy coincidence; the most 'conscious' part of the proletariat ?  I'm afraid not.  I'm not a supporter of  certain 'chaos-theories'.  Intervening in the class-struggle theoretically is one thing, guiding it in a practical way is another...leading in periods of struggle will prove to be necessary...  .  But what will we then have to offer ?   



Following a number of discussions going on on the internet and outside it, it seems to me a lot of controversy exists on the question of how a socialist project is to replace the system of exploitation and concurrency.

            Every group and all the not-organised individuals have their own ideas on this subject and the way alternatives are to be implemented.

If such a system is to establish itself and wishes to survive, it cannot do without strictly defining the notion 'proletarian hierarchy'.

            According to me, proletarian dictatorship is not the rule of a party or the rule of the 'democratic centralism' of councils; or not a coalition between parties; but the coordinated action of the 'highest EXECUTIVE council of the internationally organised 'projects' (1 political legislative project called 'society' and 14 practical projects to manage society on a world base).

            In a period of revolutionary struggles, l 'councils' must come together to debate and decide on a transition program towards an non-capitalist society.  To prepare this kind of situation we could already form, and in fact are forming embryonal committees.

            Once an agreement on the demands for each project is reached, their international executive organ can organise international elections for or against such a transitional program.

            Since that program will be mainly based on the needs of proletarians, such a program shall have a large majority.  After the aproval of the program, the councils can organise international elections on a non-party base.

            To appoint the presidents of each project in society, people would be able to give their votes for candidates arranged in one of the 15 projects necessary to manage society.  Leaders must follow the guidelines of the projects and can be replaced if they don't follow the program, or if they prove to be not ready to manage whatever is to be managed.

            In this way the State, as an instrument in keeping capitalism in power, can be replaced by a proletarian hierarchy, capable of providing a real socialist alternative and a mode of functioning for the transition towards socialism ...which becomes more needed as years go by.

            The 15 projects , needed to manage society in a modern, technocratic way, are :  one legislative project, 14 executive projects, all having delegates in the legislative project)

-SOCIETY-project (legislative and justice matters : proletarian members from the councils can be candidate.   There can be a delegation from consumer)organisations as well.  The project 'society' will have to debate on the demands for each project.

            A temporary proposition and an exemple of this can be found on the homepage http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/9799

The main, unanswered question is : 'can we go directly from a wage-based society towards a wage-less form of organising society ' ?  Objectively we are ready for this; capitalism and we, the workers, have developed the material conditions for it, but are we ready for such a change, 'subjectively' ?  We should put up an educational campaign on it...on all the aspects it includes.

            The role of 'money' in a new non-speculative society, based on purely administrating production and distribution or public services in a first stage; could be reduced to buying food and consumer-goods (their prices based on worldwide standardised production conditions).

The cost of Public Services could be organised as subscriptions taken from our wage before you get it.


A lot shall depend on what will happen to class-consciousness in its confrontation with the living-conditions to be expected under a further rule of capitalism (objective factors)  A lot shall depend also on our ability to organise an the amount of objection within workers themselves.

            If State reformism can keep capitalism going in times of depression, and an important number of proletarians, or independents whose living conditions are effected in a negative way, will resist the proletarians that choose to organise in councils; then all kinds of proletarian propositions must avoid the civil war the bourgeois parts of society will eventually seek.

            The executive projects for managing society can be arranged as : work/food/housing/energy/telematics/transport/environment/production/


            I hope you understood this explanation.  I know that different kinds of socialists are trying each to reach their goals in separated ways, basing themselves on different analyses of history.  But do we not share the same goals and should we not learn to work together on a realistic an practical base, not just an academic one ?

            Weather you have but your believes in reaching the socialist transformation of society by means of bourgeois-democratic elections for propaganda-purposes or whether you are organising on another base; our class needs a program and an alternative way to organise and manage society.  In the mean while we (in general) still get the politicians we 'deserve', because of our low degree of resistance and because of the fact we still cling to bourgeois ideology , whether politically or emotionally.



I wonder what military stratigists are already planning for the future.

 Most of the modern developed countries can rely on professional troops.

Since they abolished the 'civil' military duty for young men, they fight their wars from the air.  They know that a massive reaction against their wars is not evident in these times where their media prepares the minds months before they attack.  'Humanitarian' Interventions' for situations they helped to create themselves.

            They put Sadam in power.  They armed the 'religious' lunatics in Afghanistan.  They pushed nationalism in the East.  They control the political scene in the middle East and in Africa.  They gained and still gain big money producing weapons.  They supported one ethnic group against another. 

            What are their plans.  Will they 'intervene' in Russia once the process of every kind of des integration shall accelerate and shall threaten their newly found 'colony' ?  They surely continue to destabilize their economical competitors like China, using the trick of 'bourgeois democracy' again;  or the 'red danger'.

            They and all the ones that serve their system that fools us day in day out.  They project their images of being rich and wealthy into our minds and oblige us to go and work to purchase a happy life, matching up to their standards.  They put in the minds of millions that 'one exists more if one can buy more'  They make us believe that working like robots adds to our personal development.  They convinced us that producing goods is only possible if huge profits can be made.  With the help of 'our' unions they teach us that lay-offs are indispensable to 'survive' .

            They try to make some of their statements as the most natural order of things; so that is why they dare defend the use of cheap medicaments  against Aids in South Africa for example.  They pay their super managers and our football players millions a year.  Their States keep us well divided, according to our 'place' in the system.  But still they keep saying we are all so equal.

            Why do we KEEP PUTTING UP  with this ?  We vote, they stay in power, 'liberalising the world' more and more.  State-related jobs keep some of us in a sort of obedience, the ones who oppose themselves put themselves out of a job, just like in private enterprises.  We work, they live their lives on the profits we make.  We keep on accepting their kind of hierarchy instead of inventing and imposing our own.  Their system stays in place because of it 's hierarchical cohesion.  Some of us believe that a system of their own can do without hierarchy; but even equality cannot function without it.  The political hierarchy we must work towards to, must  

be a hierarchy that is based upon the presidents of an economic and social program.  If one day council all around the world shall organise elections, we should be able to first say yes to a global revolutionary program and then elect the ones guiding the different projects of society.  The ones delegated by the world council and the ones internationally elected on the lists of the projects should be accepted as the highest hierarchy.

Whenever there are indications that someone doesn't realize his  tasks, according to what he or she was put in charge for, a majority of workers in a company , a project or council, could ask for that persons removal.

C.O.N.S.C.I.E.N.C.E. , the Committee for New Simultaneous International Elections ,Necessary to Create more Equality


A COLLECTIVE ALTERNATIVE ____________________________________________________


SUPPOSE 'MONEY' WOULD only BE SOMETHING TO HELP US COUNT INSTEAD OF SPECULATE, then some paintings wouldn't be as expensive as building houses and feeding

thousands of poor people.



SUPPOSE TEACHERS WORLDWIDE DON'T teach more than ten pupils each class and carbuilders would refuse to much flexibility.

Suppose THAT ALL MATERIALS, GROUNDS, GOODS and services HAVE A GLOBAL STANDARDISED PRICE expressed in one single worldcurrency.


(except really sick people)



FOOd / HOUsing / WORk / SECurity/ HEAlth/ EDUcation/ ENErgy/ PROduction / DIStribution/

TRAnsport / ENVironment/ MONey/ TELecommunication/ SOCiety / RELations/


, before we get it) , a system that would make public transport and the highways of

 telecommunication accessible for everyone , a system that if there already only was more social maturity, could be used in other areas too ( goods or certain services) .


SUPPOSE THE QUALITY OF LIFE BECAME MORE IMPORTANT THEN A LOT OF BUREAUCRATIC AND COMMERCIAL STUPIDITY…suppose we all learned to become aware of our real consciousness that looks to enrichen itself by means of our collective and individual history.

Let us first give some motivation for each of the projects and let us add a first list of our demands on each project before we compose some standard files or start constructing the election file on our demands so far as the program itself is concerned.

________C.ON.S.I.E.N.C.E. _________________________




PRODUCERS CONSUMERS COLLECTIVIZE INTERNATIONALIZE TELEMATISIZE_:::::each person and company or institution…will administratively belong to one of the fifteen projects. ::::::each consumer has his place (number)in one of the projects and their sectors….










° SAME WORK SAME PAY ° LESS DIFFERENCE IN PAY ( 1/2 maximum difference)




° …

project t e l e m a t i c s






MANAGMENT SHOULD USE THE SAME TUMS-system…to know about how many people ? where ?

Who ? what ? how much ? when ?…



IN ORDER TO DO SO COMPANIES DEALING WITH HARD& SOFTWARE SHOULD UNITE TO CONSTRUCT ONE standardizedTUMS-plan, instead of purchasing silly competition games.



project t r a n s p o r t


____DEMANDS : ° FREE PUBLIC TRANSPORT mainly in the cities (pay =by small equal contrib.)


project s e c u r i t y





WITH NATURE-DISASTERS, BUILDING DIKES,,. helping fire -department…





project p r o d u c t i o n






TRANSPORT…for each single product or raw material


°NO MORE WASTE-ECONOMY :replacing and saving paper, wood…

project d i s t r i b u t i o n

-----MOTIVATION : different prices kill jobs alsO



project h o u s i n g





HOUSES TO BE BUILD/ …in order to be able to do so once again all kinds of firms dealing with housing

, renting, building…should be obliged to join their information if they don't discover the benefits earlier.

°STOP SPECULATION …why not a law that says that if you own more than one house you are obliged to sell it, instead of renting it…

°MORE NATURE IN THE CITIES (for example farms for children…)



project h e a l t h



°More natural forms of healing, less anti-biotics…

°One equal anual contribution to pay for health-service (no more bureaucracy of 'getting your

money back')

°Birth Control Program

project f o o d



(why not organised by the farmers and the tool-making industry here ?)

project e n v i r o n m e n t



°also look for measures in other projects (transport…)



°hundreds of other measures

project e d u c a t i o n





°LESS PUPILS IN THE CLASSES (not more than ten is a good start)

°LINKS BETWEEN THE PROJECTS WORK (human resources firms or human

resources parts of compagnies ) and THE PROJECT EDUCATION

and links also to the educational projects ( exams, …) in other projects



EDUCATION (why not separate nets for each kind of film, for documentaries…)

Project e n e r g y




project m o n e y


_DEMANDS : °see PEOPLE's DATA(suppose…)


Project s o c i e t y (political management)

MOTIVATION : WILL THE 'LAST ONES' BE THE FIRST ONES IN HISTORY ? THE WORLD WAS ALWAYS RULED BY THE ONES WHO HELD THE ECONOMICAL POWER… IT WERE ALWAYS THE POWER-ATTEMPTS OF THE LAWER CLASSES THAT PUSHED history IN NEW DIRECTIONS : the ones who owned the land, the money, the means of production decided and still decide most of the time. DECISSIONS ON WHO HAS THE RIGHT TO HAVE A JOB OR ABOUT HUNGER AND WARSPENDING AND ENVIRONMENT SHOULDN' T BE TAKEN IN FUNCTION OF SPECULATION. TO MANNY PARTYMEMBERS OBEY THE money -minded SPECULATORS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THEIR PARTY. UNION MEN MAINLY FIGHT FOR PARTIAL PROBLEMS AND AREN' T encouraged TO LOOK FOR GLOBAL SOLUTIONS AND ACTION…if they start doing so they are mostly thrown out anyway . Only sometimes people really show that they aren't afraid of change. Only some small groups try to organize that resistance…but they do not a collective alternative to manage society in another way . Even if they have the same ideology, they stay divided because each group understands the historical background and future developments or the role from this or that group in society otherwise. IF THIS INTRESTS YOU …LET US KNOW.



WORLD -WIDE REFERENDUM ON THIS, starting behind our pc's, in our pubs , reunions, companies…





Candidates for the local management functions could present themselves on the lists of the projects, not on the list of the parties , except the list of the project 'society', where one still would be able to vote for the ones having to manage jurisdiction, administration of the population, notarial things (since politicians mainly are lawyers they would find themselves at home.


The local counsels should be attended by the controlling committees from street or company.

But before we can have all this we must simply start with discussion- groups.

New ways of protesting will emerge and are emerging.

Project r e l a t i o n s


THOSE OBJECTIVE RELATIONSHIPS EVOLUATE IN A COLLECTIVE WAY JUST LIKE EACH HUMAN BEIING CAN EVOLUATE IN A PERSONAL WAY OF DEALING WITH THE SUBJECTIVE THINGS IN LIFE : AM I A NIHILISTE OR SOMEBODY WHO LIKES PHILOSOPHY , SCIENCE…, am I emotionally strong enough to have a good influence on those who surround me, however contradictory this good influence at first sight may seem ?


Discovering why your life was and is and will be your life is much more interesting. ..it’s a rather personal voyage to wisdom. ANYWAY SCIENCE ALREADY PROVED ELECTRONS HAVE AN ETERNAL EXISTENCE…and because everything exists of electrons we will return to the elements we came from : the ever recomposing elements to be found in the earth, wind, light and fire…maybe even in the anti-matter …who nows ? All the elements together formed our spirit, that's for sure .






°LEARN TO ALWAYS KEEP ON WONDERING ABOUT THINGS AND PEOPLE LIKE YOU KEEP ON WONDERING ABOUT SOMEBODY YOU LOVE …everything and everybody can teach you how to make better …how to maintain your good vibrations better.


°LEARN TO BE AND TALK HONNEST, also in  sometimes strange ways and learn to take the just options



future modèle de gestion de société

            On doit restructurer la politique.  C.O.N.S.C.I.E.N.S.C.E., le COmmité pour des Nouveaux Elections Simultanés Nécessaire pour créer plus d'Egalité...vous propose de voter son :

alternative collective

            Supposez  l'argent serait quelque chose pour nous aider à calculer au lieu de spéculer...alors certains peintures ne seraient pas si chèr que construire des maisons pour des centaines de gens.

            Supposez que chaque Etat et compagnie sur une échelle mondiale payerait le même salaire pour le même travail, une quantité qui offrait d'une façon écologique la possibilité à avoir une vie humaine.

            Supposez que les enseigneurs mondiale pouvaient avir des classes de seulement dix personnes.

            Supposez que tous les matériaux et services avaient une prix unique, exprimé dans une monnaie mondial.  Supposez que l'administration de chacun et chaque firme serait  traité d'une même façon : chacun un numéro de téléphone, élargit avec trois lettres qui donnent connection avec chaque des 15 projets de la société :  NOUriture/MAIson/TRAvail/SECurité/EDUcation/ENErgy/PROduction/DIStribution/TRAnsport/


            Supposez que chaque service publique est payé par une contribution égale de tout le monde(pris une fois par mois de notre salaire avant qu'on le touche) Un tel système un accès presque gratuit aux transports et télécommunication.  Ce système  pouvait être élargit à d'autres secteurs(produits et autres services) pourvu il existerait une maturité sociale très large.

            Supposez qu'on nous organiserait et qu'on mettait notre collective à un accord internationale, avant qu'on organiserait  le second tour de ses nouveaux éléctions pour élire les dirigent local, provincial , continental et mondiale des différents projets.

            Supposez que la qualité de la vie deviendrait plus important que beaucoup de bureaucratie et de stupidité commerciale.

            Supposez que qu'on devenait conscient du fait que l'histoire nous pousse vers l'organisation d'un meilleur monde avec de emploies pour tout le monde, pauvreté, guerre, pollution...

            Pour chacun des projets on va donner d'abord un peu de motivation et après on va posser nos demandes.  Il faudra aussi déveloper un 'site' pour voter sur l'internet.

C.ON.S.I.E.N.C.E presente : les 15 projets

project travail

-motivation : beaucoup de gens trouvent leur boulot ennuyante parce que la marché libre ne donne pas assez du travail/avoir du travail n'est pas encore un droit/on peut pas de façon simple changer son travail, parce qu'il y en a pas assez/ Dans un économie standardisé, la concurrence  ne sera pas basé sur l'exploitation puisque les conditions seront les même pour tous.  Les Resources Humaines, les administrations personnels travaillent encore avec trop de différents statuts.               Il faudrait les simplifier et standardiser.


projet telecom

-motivation : pour l'administration des projets les moyens technologique ne sont pas standardisés, l'internet est trop utilisés uniquement pour des raisons commerciales

 -demandes : la création d'un Système Universel Telematic pour le Gestion des projets (TUMS)un système pour l'administration et organisation des projets.  Pour coordiner et controler chaque gouvernement et entreprise devait employer le même système.pour savoir qui veut quel emploie et quoi et où, pour savoir le demande de tous les produits et services.  La population pourrait mondiale suivre ces données.  TUMS serait le projet pour intégrer les 15 projets et le pour gérer le secteur telecom.

Une campagne d' alphabétisations devrait être organisée pour tout le monde.

projet transport

-motivation :pour mettre fin à la pollution, le transport publique doit devenir principale

-demandes : une petite taxe standardisé ferait le transport publique presque gratuit

projet sécurité

-motivation : il y aurait moins de crime parce que tout le monde aura une emploie/ mettre un fin aux guerres

-demandes : abolition des guerres/ reconversion de l'industrie d'armement/les armées vont être utilisés pour aider en cas de désastres naturelles, grands travaux publiques pour éviter des désastres/

seulement la police a le droit de porter des armes

projet production

-motivation : au lieu de collaborer, il y a de guerres entres les entreprises, les victimes en sont les sans emploies, les accidents de travails et les individus et familles avec trop de stress

-demandes : les gérants devraient utiliser le système TUMS pour rendre l'information de leur entreprises libre pour tout le monde : stockage, prix, demandes de personnels... .  Les producteurs devraient se réunir par group de produit.  Des mesures pour éviter le gaspillage et la pollution devraient être pris.

projet distribution

-motivation : trop de spéculation

-demandes : même prix pour même produits ou service/ création des données télématique pour savoir ou se trouvent quels produits et lequel et le moyen de transports le plus éfficient

projet maison

-motivation : des millions vivent dans des conditions inhumaines ou payent trop de loyer

-demandes : inventaire des maisons nécessaires, à réparer, construire.../tarifs sociales, pas de spéculation

projet nouriture

-motivation :  le vieux système invente des lois pour détruire les fruits & légumes etc pour des raisons spéculatives et encourage parfois à ne pas produire

-demandes : à manger pour tout le monde en unifiant tous les efforts d'agriculture sur une échelle mondiale/  tous ceux qui travaillent dans ce secteur doivent recevoir  une salaire uniforme s'ils travaillent leur terrains bien

projet milieu

-motivation : réduire la pollution

-demandes : pas de sur consumation/triage immondices/recyclage/transport publique/entretiens des parcs nature/lois pour protéger les animaux/plus d'énergie propre...

projet enseignement

-motivation : ne pas épargner sur l'enseignement, les pays pauvres doivent avoir des conditions comme

dans les autres pays pour enseigner

-demandes : pas trop d'élèves dans une classe/plus d'attention aus sciences humaines : philosophie, histoire, psychologie.../plus d' échange entre entreprises et l'enseignement/enseignement pour adultes aussi/enseignement doit aussi apprendre à interpreter les medias objectivement

projet énergie

-motivation : trop de gaspillage et pollution

-demandes : investir dans l' énergie propre

projet argent

-motivation : l'aspect spéculative a des conséquences désastreuse dans le monde

-demandes : uniquement utilisation administrative de l'argent/une monnaie mondiale avec la même valeur partout/les banques doivent s'unir


projet gestion de la société

-motivation : les décisions sur qui a le droit de travailler ou guerre ou pas de guerre...sont toujours pris par l'élite politique.  Les dirigent politique ne peuvent pas faire une politique qui va contre le programme globale.  Ceux qui prennent les décisions dans les parties politiques et les syndicats suivent toujours ce que les spéculateurs  veulent .  On tourne dans des petits rond au lieu de résoudre les problèmes sur d'une façon mondiale.  Si on va suivre leur logique, cela voudrait dire qu'on doit tous aller travailler pour le salaire le plus bas du monde...leur capitalisme effondrait vite alors.  Ils existent des groupes qui veulent prendre une autre chemin, mais ils sont divisé sur l'interprétation de l'histoire et sur les tactiques à suivre et ils bordurent uniquement sur le bataille classique des syndicats : des bon salaires sans liaison mondiale et alternative globale

-demandes :  tous les demandes des autres projets/ organisation des élections alternatives sur internet ou pression des comités sur les gouvernements nationaux ou administrations communales ou syndicats/

propagande pour un nouveau système d'élections internationale: d'abord pour une programme mondiale et après pour les dirigent.  Pour neutraliser le boycot des grands spéculateurs il y aura pas des nationalisations.  Sur le projet 'gestion de la société' on pourra élire les dirigent pour la justice, pour l'administration de la population et le premier qui aura une fonction pour coordiner  Un jour les élections des dirigent de projets remplaceraient les élections classique et par projet et province quel un  sera envoyé au gouvernement continentale.  Le gouvernement continentale formerais le gouvernement mondiale.  Principe de base pour organiser ces éléctions serait le nombre de habitants d'un province.

Les comités locale pourraient avoir des moyens de controle sur leurs communes et entreprises.

projet relations

-motivation : on devrais apprendre à travailler sans la discipline qui impose le système ancien et on devait de plus près avoir un intérets pour les problèmes de le monde de nos jours

-demandes : accompagnement psychologique pour des problèmes subjectives entre les gens/

des medias objectives et indépendentes du capital spéculative

projet santé

-motivation :  de nos jours on utilise trop de médicaments, c'est mieux d'attaquer les sources des maladies comme la pollution, le stress, la culture commerciale, pas assez de contact avec la nature, tensions psychologiques

-demandes : produits naturelles de bon qualité, établissement d'un infrastructure médicale dans les pays pauvres, des soins médicale pour tout le monde (petite contribution de tout le monde)

Plan d'action

            Si la volonté et la nécessite pour discuter l'alternative collectiviste devient plus claire on peut commencer à inventer des actions.  Organiser de la pression sur les mandataires politiques classique,

des arrêts de travails pour discuter l'alternative.  Exiger du patronat qu'il paye les mêmes salaires dans les pays pauvres... .   Des manifestations pour exiger des Nations Unis l'abolition des guerres et de la pauvreté en imposant les demandes de l'alternative collective.  Tous les premiers des différents gouvernements doivent avoir un réunion pour aux moins interdire toute spéculation dans l'économie, même salaire pour le même travail, reconversion de l'industrie militaire, etc...    .


Voyage to the sources of our mind
Imagine nothing, nothing, no stars, no planets, no image only the force of the not combined elements of nature, that had to build all those structures of which they already carried the micro-atomary blueprint.
There were already not destroyable everlasting electrons circling around the nucleon of each atom. Each kind of atom already had his own weight. Nobody invented this game that would lead to a series of combinations that gave birth to the cells where all biological live comes from. So what gave birth to the game of - and + in the atoms ? Pressure . A quantity of matter, wanting to take a volume equal to zero ...explodes, bursts, divides...big bangs continue, even in our cells that renew. Nihilism doesn't exist...something without a form cannot be, is an illusion. Illusions lead to suffering, suffering sometimes is necessary for some ones. 

Only light exists. Dark doesn't. Why should explaining where our spirit came from, be any more difficult then explaining what happens when we die ? We came from the elements and we will go back to them. We were every element you can find in earth, water, air and light, and we'll accordingly again join them, to fertilize them with our atoms. The consciousness we will then have is the one of the pure elements again, who are and feel, but don't know about the trap called 'time'. We don't just die the last day of our life, we die every day, every day we give back the elements we take in nature. We were and are a process of burning, an atomic fire that produces high quality atoms. This chemical and physical process reaches a spiritual level when this result of mineral, vegetative and biological awareness becomes more than just a calculating mind that has to plan and fight in order to biologically survive. Our mind deals with knowledge, our spirit tries to feel and love and contemplate. We should more wonder about that enormous voyage that our 'intelligence' made, starting from the 'intellect’  that is present in the raw materials until we as an individual part of that collective unity. It's useless trying to understand the world from one point of view, there are several : there isn't any 'God', there is only 'energy' and if we understand that 'energy', that 'energy' will take care of us if we take the right steps towards it. If we understand why we must put an end to the exploitation of men and nature, we will try to find out what we can do to improve our relations with them. All the atoms off our cells all their nucleons and electrons continuously search to find an indifferent equilibrium between - and +, a kind of rest, a 'not wanting any more'...but they cannot keep this condition, because they play a part in a collective game.

So that's why life basically is about rising and descending. Only when we give up the old ideas about 'loving life and living together' the new ones , the alternatives, can have a chance. We must find real independence
and strength in ourselves, before we can survive in this money guided world of ours.

The bridge over the old history collapses
...we have to move on . That bridge should have had it' s use. The past and the present should lead us to the collective conscience of the fact that for decades now already, it is possible to feed and to cloth and to lodge everybody in a comfortable way and to make more time to discover and develop the real human needs in us. Our money minded rulers don't see things this way. Before the religions changed the word 'healing' in 'holy', some primitive tribes considered the water, the air ,and everything that contributed to our existence as 'holy'. Nowadays everything and everyone has his price, the right to work isn't considered as an healing thing any more. In our decisions towards the outer world we can take an attitude of solidarity or we can follow our instinct, the individual need to take as much as possible for our own sake, without sharing too much of what we took as our part. People who gave guidance to the process of exploitation of others always have surrounded themselves with loyal servants. Exploitation has always been the motor of technological progress, but especially this century also of more and more of destruction of lives and jobs. Our money dominated system cannot develop the world without the destruction of jobs any more.
Religion Revised
In Dutch the word for Religion is ‘godsdienst’, a totally abusive term for ‘religion’.
Because the French word ‘relier’ means ‘connect’ …with each other…’combine’.
‘verbinding’ (combination-connection) would be a better word. Combine what ? Connect who ? ‘Combinect’ would be a nice new word to express The ‘chemical’ ‘combine’ and the electrical ‘connect’. If one wishes to understand the meaning of life, one can try to have a lot of knowledge. If you study the History of physical and chemical sciences and Biological and Economical Life (the objective factors) you will find an amazing evolution of social and political conduct (the subjective factors) and an ever changing psychological kind of behaviour once biology is born out of physical and chemical combinations.  Life’s parents are the mechanisms of the physical laws combined with the chemical of the elements. Where do the grandparents of Life come from ?  Ask the scientists if you are clever enough to understand their explanation.  Everything that exists has a material explanation…because something with a space smaller than zero ‘explodes’ according to scientific laws.  Even ‘spiritual’ things, ‘spiritual’ energy can be explained in a material way as for one part of the story, the factors mentioned above.  If one thinks of it logically the spiritual energy is the child of material evolution. A stone or an atom or a molecule already originally had some kind of energy…and energy is a potentially spiritual thing.  So if you’re answer to the question : where does the source of energy comes from is :’God’ …for you this might be true…but my answer would be to invent another word for it : the ‘O-energy’ : the original energy. It’s important to use a new word, because in the name of the old one so many lies have been told. Dough based on all factors mentioned above ‘religion’ has more to do with the factor ‘relations’. You know them all, the different kinds of relationships :
Social relations at work or in a club, economical relations in a shop, political relations in a union or party, friendship family- relations, platonic -relations, love- relations.  But aren’t we forgetting one kind of relation ? Let’s call it the INNER-RELATION…the center of our own analyses of feelings., knowledge and relations.
The result of a good Inner relation can lead to good family relations, Friendship , Platonic Relations as well as to Love-relations, but very often ones social and economic relations do not contribute in a positive way to them…but that is to be analysed by our inner relation also and the inner relation has also to take a good approach towards are socio-economic relations…to take good attitudes towards our political relations…f we have any…and we have because we aren’t living on self-providing farms any more.
It is clear that the human being is evolving in the direction of more consciousness….more spiritual matter. So far we have mentioned things like KNOWLEDGE and RELATIONS. Which TOOLS our inner relation is using to analyse and feel all day and night long ?
Which tools can be used to work with that subjective spiritual matter ?
For the elements that composed us ; earth, water, air, light…we use certain
tools to work with, you can put a spade in the ground, but which tools do we use to help understand our subjective relations for example…or ourselves ?
In each situation of the development of the different kind of relations,
There are a number of contradictions that the inner relationship must resolve
Therefore it looks for the solutions offered by logic, objectivity an subjectivity (dreams, instincts, emotions, feelings, art…) .If the inner relationship cannot grow to it ’s full capacity in a certain environment…it will look for other situations to benefit from…and maybe meet the same difficulties if it hasn’t grasped the old opportunities. And what about all those energies of another kind ? : genetic heritage, sexual power, and things like magnetism, intuition, inspiration, illusion, for feeling…(see later on in the article TOOLS). It seems like the truth about life is hidden in all those factors. Maybe we will return just to the consciousness of the elements that created us (just plain earth, water, air and fire again) or maybe : there is a common space we share with death: our inner relation, both on an individual and a collective scale.  We  analyse, observe and judge…and we do not judge if the problem is to big for us (then we have to trust in the collective inner relation).  Maybe the meaning of life is that ones you are dead you keep on functioning in an energetic, not organic way
and make others function…like we do here, but in another dimension (the common space of the inner relation ?  Or : Our biological cells we inherited, the spiritual part of us is one with those cells, we can pass them on as well. That statement would mean that spiritual energy can only exist IN biological energy…maybe both statements  are true. In fact all things that are and all things that happen and all beings that exist, share one purpose : the evolution of the SOUL and the souls you are related to when you are alive …and the evolution of the SPIRIT and the SPIRITS you are related with, when you
are dead ! Is our spirit born when our soul dies…or are all those energies one, dough composed of layers of dimensions ?  Our spirit is the essential part of the message we symbolically represented by living.   
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For all those with an interest in history, philosophy and art.
For all wanting to have more consciousness to be able to make this world a better place.

For all those that get sick watching the daily world news without being able to do something.

For all those wanting to know why there is so much poverty and war and unemployment.

For all those wanting a job without being stressed all the time.

For all those not wanting to get stuck in negative emotions.

Inner light    1. Degrees of consciousness, 'emotional evolution' and other conceptions

            'The desire from matter to be able to see, made our consciousness possible.' 

This is how a poet would explain life.

That poet wouldn't be far from the truth. We are matter and matter is us.  There must have been 'consciousness' already in non-biological life, otherwise biological life shouldn't have been created.  Matter became more and more conscious about itself through its  finest form, biological life.  We became more conscious by being able to manage matter.  We also became more conscious of ourselves, thanks to other persons.   From the moment humanity started its cultural adventure, they mainly occupied themselves with making material products, commodities...practical life, indeed is in fact mainly MOVEMENT outside our body...witch  is closely linked and starts with our biological needs.  Our biological 'soul' is the sum of  physical and chemical elements and laws, combined with our personality and emotions.   All forms of consciousness have their roots in matter...this was the word 'heathen', ('pagan') originally meant.  Our consciousness goes back to matter from the cosmos, it is in fact cosmos.  Human being in fact, is stone, plant and animal and in fact adds or can add a higher degree of INNER SPIRITUAL movement, stronger than our basic emotional 'soul'.  There is a difference between the world outside us, our internal parts (our organs), our soul (emotionally bound) and our inner (the spiritual factor).   In order to understand then notion 'inner communication' the differences and connections between the 'internal'(organs) and the 'soul' (emotional) and the 'inner' (spiritual); are very important.

            Everything that exist has a form, something without a form cannot exist, because something almost equal to zero tends to explode.  That's why nihilism makes no sense. 

When our body dies, out of the soul where out our spirit continuously grew, our spirit is born, with it' s own form of matter. We are 'all in one', everything linked together   : the minerals with their laws of physics, the 'hardware'-structure of life, the basis of all objective science; combined with the laws of chemistry and all subjective laws that control our emotions and even the objective and subjective laws of society.  The laws of physics not only are about how atoms and molecules are build and about how, because of their attraction they build from the micro cosmos the macro cosmos with it' s galaxies.  The laws of physics already show that eternally old and new desire to create from the 'inner light of matter', hidden in the anti-matter of cosmos the 'normal' light we can now see outside in macro cosmos and the light of our happiness inside.

Once the planet Earth was formed, the desire from the inner light of matter to evolve to more consciousness, could continue. The not organic minerals, created the organic cells...physics created chemistry...like out of XX-woman, came XY men.  Physics, our skeleton, our relation with gravity...already teaching us the basics of psychological balance.

            Chemistry, our stomach, symbol of creation of energy sitting on our underbelly the matter part of the source of our sensuality who started one stage lower where our sexual energy is being born.  Beautiful story, isn't it, we cannot ignore that we are family of the hardware-matter...like when mountains erupt and produce fertile ground, we can 'erupt' as well and produce new life. 

            The energies you are reading about wright in the end produces 'intelligence'.  'Intelligence' in fact is the practical child of our spiritual development.  The 'intelligence' of vegetative life (like plants) is an intelligence that is more 'relaxed' then the intelligence of animal-life.  Human intelligence still is more directed towards the struggle for life...it shouldn't stay that way, history will makes sure of that.       Acquiring knowledge and cultural development as well as an insight in psychological relations in order to understand the world and the reason why one lives, should become more important than a lot of commercial stupidity.  Where there is too much commercial pollution one cannot get in touch with one’ s own 'inner communication'. 

Our organs are 'living beings' as well. Our stomach gives us energy, but we have to put something in it. But our stomach can react by producing pain-warning signs if we keep on having to much problems in our lives.  All the information of every part of our body is centralized in the brain...where our intelligence and our emotions are trying to keep both sides of our brain in balance.

In case of heavy conflicts the only solution is making a choice,(speaking some words, handling...)or taking a position of indifferent balance and patience.

            We have four kinds of CONSCIOUSNESS from BELOW :  unconscious, consciousness or mineral consciousness, Under consciousness or vegetative consciousness, bog-ore consciousness or biological consciousness...and consciousness.

This can produce  a number of conflicts between emotionally opposite energies : for example : fear and daring, pure instinct and sensuality,  jealousy and  comprehension,  vanity and one’s own knowledge, greed or solidarity, melancholy and gladness. Human being and society is in a process of development towards less egoism.   Therefore positive emotions must in general win from the negative ones.  To help us in this struggle we can use our four different  forms of consciousness from  ABOVE : hearing, speaking, seeing and intuitive things.  In general when we use the word 'consciousness' we mean everything we can register, the facts.                              With ‘under consciousness' we also mean the situations we can create on a long or short term by wishing this or that in our dreams, fantasy or thoughts...or with 'unconsciousness' the psychological substance in matter itself. An example of bog-ore consciousness is the wisdom of our genes or the other energies going through our body.

            A very special form of consciousness, the prelude of 'inner communication' is 'intuition'.  It tries to shows us the way as well as amusing things or it even tries to predict or for feel certain things for us.  Therefore you can read  about the TOOLS our spirit can use.  All of our cells have different kinds of consciousness as well.  Those energies belong to one of the eight forms of consciousness I mentioned.  Our blood takes those forms of consciousness everywhere in our body. According to the circumstances in a moment of someday, we thus get the appropriate words, images, thoughts, intuition that go along with them.  That’s the way in which our different forms of consciousness grow to an individual and collective spirit on it' s way to beat negative emotions which keep us away from our inner communication.  The purpose of it all is to discover the beautiful being, hidden inside of us. 

            Sometimes we need illusions to learn what we have yet to learn.  We are sometimes constantly being pushed into them by our different forms of consciousness.  You can reach a point where you not only get 'food' from what you eat but from the consciousness you have achieved.  Earth, water, bellies, air, hearing,  seeing, speaking...they all produce different themes of life...they all produce different forms of being...they all produce ...us.

innerlight 2. everything as an evolution of energy

            Everything is matter.  Matter is fast matter (hardware) and ether-matter.

Inner light matter exists in the spaces of anti-matter in the micro cosmos of everything.  The inner light matter is a world like the macro cosmos with millions of degrees of warmth on each cubic millimeter.  All electrons have an eternal existence and turn like planets around their stars (atoms).  Who says there isn't life on these micro planets ?  Which energetic bridge is their between the visible and invisible world of matter, between micro cosmos and macro cosmos ? We ? Spiritual life ?

            In all 88 pure elements of Mendeljev 's list to which we partly return after our dead, there not only are chemical characteristics, but also physical forces : temperatures, distances, speeds, different degrees of pressure.   In the end all these complicated things produce beautiful things like a smile and feelings.  The less we have to suffer, the more inner light energy can flow through our body.  We can become more then a brain that has to concentrate on survival.

Our brain tries to obtain knowledge, our feelings try not to waste time on negative emotions and to love; our spirit reflects between the bridges between our inner-relation and the rest of our relations with others.  We should more wonder about the voyage that all intelligence before us, made between mineral, cell and us.  If we understand the energy that made this possible we will understand that we are being used by nature and it's intelligence to continue this journey towards more individual consciousness as a part of more collective consciousness that will result in more humanly forms of living together as a society and as individuals.  In this way we'll experience more satisfaction in our 'spiritual life' as well.

            If one doesn't believe that there could be a form of intelligence that did not need all the way we travelled to reach our consciousness, then we must put forward another axioma; namely :

'in the anti-matter from chemical elements there already existed a bog-ore intelligence that guided further evolution towards cells and finer ways of communication and consciousness.

            The voyage from the original pure elements till pure elements once again has lots of meanings.  The question whether our spiritual heritage can exist outside a biological carrier

is not an easy one.  Will we only return to the consciousness of the pure elements we were composed of or not ?  Will it be a collective consciousness or an individual one. 

I tried to give an answer by writing ' there was life after all, after dead'.

Maybe there is such a thing as a force that guides, but not leads the orchestra of life...let's call it 'collective consciousness' then.  Each person is a unique composition, a will to live that represents everyone that came into existence before her or him. Being born is accepting the challenge of dealing with problems of all kind...ameliorating or completing what came before one’ s life story.  To finish this article, I add an axioma of mine that can help you philosophe about life and dead.


            In order to understand some practical experiences and to discover the laws by which they occur or happen, we can put forward some suppositions and test them to keep on ameliorating our findings and axiomas so in the end we should be able to feel the laws by which life moves… .   By doing so we come close to the spiritual matter…but we will never fully understand everything about it…maybe because we cannot support the degrees of truth about or own life and that of others….

Examples for  axioma :  " Our ‘spirit’ is born when our soul stops existing" (when our emotional life here dies together with our body).  « There is a kind of conversation between living souls and spiritual powers » or « there is no inter soul-spiritual contact between spiritual powers, they continue their own development in another world ».

« Reincarnation is only a biological issue...we cannot return ». « Soul-matter is passed on by our genes, spiritual matter cannot be passed  in this dimension ».  « In order to give our spiritual development a bonus we must learn how to get a strong soul in this earthly dimension ...this means getting independent of negative emotions».

 « Can we change our existential menu ? »


If you are getting to much away of what you should be doing with your life , then negative emotions and feelings aswell as positive ones...or things that happen can be used by life to correct you.

            More about this very important energy later. Maybe my main existential menu is about introducing a new kind of political system, but in order to be able to do so we’ll have to make people stronger in their psychologic , soul related life…therefore this study.

Or maybe my main existential menu shall be explaining the difference between soul and spirit or the relation between them : must we get ‘stronger’ here in order to evolve in another dimension more favourably, or to be able to let those after us function better...during and after our own life ?

            EUREKA -axioma :Thesis : idealist axioma.  Antithesis : materialist axioma.  Synthesis : indifferent balance.         

The idealist axioma is based on the axioma that you keep on functioning OUTSIDE the body, related to the energy you left behind before you died.  Everyone evolves in the direction of his dead, a moment when one becomes a not body like energy that will become part of the further evolution of the ones you leave behind...or evolves more or less independently according to ones merits. 

My materialist eureka is based on the fact that spiritual life can only exist within a biological ‘house’ and is genetically bound by means of family and further on….a statement that not automatically means accepting the fact of interrelations between the material and spiritual world. Isn't our earthly soul something in between the idealist and materialist vision , an embryo for the spiritual dimension ?

That's why next  to the material and idealist axioma’s I also put forward the an axioma of ‘indifferent balance’ stating that once the biological life comes to an end we return to the consciousness of the elements that made us : mineral, water, air, light…hidden in the anti-matter of them…maybe enjoyable as well ,but not consciously ?    So just by being air and light an minerals...they join the living in an indifferent way...feeding the living ones, taking biologically part in their existence...and by their indifference, maybe have an influence after all. 

how even you and a small community can save the world

            It was now almost then years ago since I wrote the following words :

"Peace will come in the heart of the ones with the honest souls. Preserve the earth from destruction and lead the people towards better lives.  The world is one, never ever forget.  There is only one life and one world, take your responsibility and live as intense as possible. 

Be light to be a guide.  Go to the streets, speak of joys to be.  Your place is everywhere you will feel free.  Observe, restrain your forces.

Show them what the material world and the spiritual matter is all about.  The truth is very simple. It's hidden in the past, lives in the present and needs the future.  Why is there so little joy to be found amongst many ?  People do not wonder enough about who they really are and what the life they lead really means.  They should be more philosophers than materialists, they should ask themselves why they live in a society of wealth and poverty, peace and war, stress at work and unemployment. But there are other reasons for the lack of joy also...reasons one cannot write about yet...and reasons one cannot write about."

            Looking back at those words at the end of july 2006, I can indeed say that peace can only come in my heart the day people start thinking and acting to make this world a good place to live for everyone.  Why should we let the direction of this world in the hands of a tiny minority exploiting it for the sake of the same minority ?  Why should we be forced to sit down and watch this world go to pieces more and more, day by day ?  The ones we are used to see on our screens, shaking their 'important' hands, having a drink behind their long diplomatic tables, planning wars and presenting themselves as the rescuers of the human race, in fact are the same ones that feed  barbarity.

They prevent people from having a meaning full job and hold them into a kind a slavery.  They control States and companies and therefore have a great power over our lives.  They in fact dictate what news is to be brought and they keep on writing their own bloody version of history.

            And what about we ?  We accept the hundred ways in which they control our lives.  When will it get through to a majority of us...the condition this world is in, is the result of our unconsciousness and our unwillingness to do something about it...we gave and give them a free hand.   Will we further allow them to lie to us about what real freedom and human values are all about ?  We won't...and 'we' begins with us.


Which are the reasons why we often have a lack of joy and personal and social commitment ?  If we want to know where our negative emotions come from and who in fact we are...we should not only go to our different kind of existing churches for an explanation. 

If you like to go to churches and read some ancient texts, then do it in a way that you keep in mind that the people who wrote those texts were a product of their time as much as we are now.  Philosophical answers and faith can as well be found in the things that science reaches us then in several holy texts.

 It is to be said that some of them have become outdated, especially those who consider humor a dangerous thing and who teach that one kind of believers is 'better' then another one.  But let us consider ourselves as human beings instead of uncritical followers of some kind of believe.  By connecting philosophy with science I'll try to prove that believing in what science teaches us does not necessarily go against religious aspirations as eternal life. 

Divide and Rule-40 modern bourgeois concepts

Say “everyone is equal”, act otherwise

Give some workers early pension, others not

Pay allowances according to degrees

Divide people in too the language they speak

Let private shareholders run public services

Broadcast parties that support the division game

Subside religions that keep people away from spirituality

Organize elections : first the politicians, then the program

Divide people by organizing unjust taxes

Keep social security overcomplex

Show horror images and do not explain the truth

Get a lot of immigrants in too the country to divide people

Don’t support cheap rents or social house building

Translate being liberal in too the law of the richest groups

Don’t give the impression that decent laws could better the world

Don’t let the 99% get the idea that they could take power by telematics

…or by organizing elections on an international program themselves

…and then choose the conductors

Surround yourself with people with connections to the bourgeoisie

Make sure a lot of people stay poor

Pay workers very different according to country and sector

Speculate with wages, prices, resources

Regroup and then make price monopolies

Report a lot on right wing manifestations, give the impression they were many

Control the bourgeois journalists and don’t talk about alternative media

Try to blame progressive regimes for a lot

Create a feeling of insecurity

Don’t care about the rights of animal

Give pharma industry and others benefits and save bankers

Don’t let farmers just be farmers producing healthy things

Control the kind of history that is being thought

Support the entertainment industry and culture that keeps uncritical

Use terrorist groups for the purposes of imperialism

Don’t let ethics bother you, (embryos cannot take revenge?)

Let capitalism put it’ s greedy hands on health insurance and other stuff

Find ways in convincing people that paying 5% for a loan is normal…

And O % as a rent for placing your money is not

Make sure that people believe to have is more important than to be…

And keep them working like fools, producing a lot of silly products

Moral of this story : don’t be jealous of what your working class members gained,

the purpose their intention is to keep us divided

-what if we changed the way elections are organised ? first an international vote , yes or no to a global program with some main urgent solutions, then a telematic vote on the leaders of each project ? Make your own vote-blog  http://philosophicalresistance4.skynetblogs.be

-Looking at it from Belgium, where 95% of the people vote (it's an obligation but lately no punishments) we over here wonder how only a small number of people can decide to nominate someone with for exemple too much military power. It is a great contradiction, the majority of people in for example the United States in fact don’t vote or in fact prefer progressive left candidates, but because of the election system so far they don't get elected. Since the majority in fact don’ vote and the minority in fact votes for those who always make war, so why not propose another election system, develop software, let the people say yes or no, starting in the community where socialists or green party members have support....the kind of devastating foreign policy of the US must be stopped as well as the fact that socially the US social security system is outdated. So ignore the once currently in power we say,  ....elections promoted on the social media with the support of progressive leftist parties, or left wingers in social democratic parties.  So continue your policies , no problem, but at the same time take advantage of the telematic inventions !     We are sure especially the younger generations will demand telematic elections one day ! http://philosophicalresistance4.skynetblogs.be has more explanation I have an old voting blog as well, should make a new one, http://bloggen.be/conscience2008

questions for workers, dear comrades

Why is it we are still being ruled by representatives of bancs ?

Why you work so hard while so many are without a job ?

Why is having a job not normal ?

Why can't you easily find a new job ?

Why our telecom services, our energy and transport are not free ?

Why still not one world currency or an administration based on need ?

Why some of us need the rule of old ideologies to function ?

Why not our inner discipline or the one of our colleagues in charge ?

Why not we but them should be afraid of doing away with speculation ?

Why does the same product does not cost as much everywhere ?

Why is poverty a form of official slavery ?

Why so few people control so much wealth ?

Why so few robots command so many soldiers ?

Why religions are not as much spiritual then our inner energy ?

Why imperialism calls war humanitarian aid, free world and democracy ?

Why do criminals control economy, whether in USA ,ex- USSR or Liberia?

Why do trade unions follow the games of big money ?

Why do we not understand that 'foreigners' can be workers to ?

Why we still make weapons to kill our comrades elsewhere ?

Why do kings and queens still exist ?

Why not use technology and technocracy to build a beautiful world ?

Why doesn't education teaches more about human sciences ?

Why do we pay taxes as well for putting mines as demining them ?

Why do factories or companies close when demand is so big ?

Why are farmers payed to destroy or not produce, while so much hunger ?

Why so much short of housing ?

Why our dogs and cats eat more money than some earn ?

Why their system survives by means of crises, wars and exploitation .

Why do we keep on collaborating while modern fascism is so strong ?

Why our media talk in favour of what's going on ?

Why is the right to vote, the right to say yes to the system ?

Why don't we put forward our own program first ?

Why don't we defend our own alternative in the enterprises we work ?

Why don't we invite the jobless to join our reunions ?

Why don't we develop our  new strategy to put our demands in power ?


All around us , stalking everyone

Education and commerce, honoring it

Media feed the killing of medicine against it

Relations being kept within the old economical rules and instincts;

Not often the old borders are overcome

For the Madness, making love is reduced to fucking;

not a soul that penetrates and receives

another soul with it ’s sex .

For the Madness being spiritual is not about the connection between the elements that created us (earth, light, energy…)and our consciousness now… but all about making more money than your neighbor

For the Madness, working like robots is being stress free

For the madness underdevelopment is necessary

For the madness, no other society with free public services is possible

For the madness , it alone can guarantee disciplines

For the madness unemployment and war and poverty are normal

Madness can buy us, and then we feed it; whatever victories we think we made.


We vote for the ones with lots of money to spend on their campaigns

We vote to keep on producing inequality

We vote for further collaboration in wars and pollution

We vote to guarantee human rights for the few

We vote for less culture that touches our soul

We vote for keep on watching sensation

We vote for the ones who were in opposition before elections

We vote for the ones who did not make a difference in last election

We vote because our alternative isn't organised enough

We vote because we believe some cheap promises ...

that die behind their desks

Wonder if there will come a day that the individual realises his power

Comes at work and starts to work slower the first day, slower the second,

slowest the third...starts talking with his fellow-workers about it all.

Wonder if there will come a day when workers start talking about their lives : 

Do they get enough holiday ?  Why do they pay too much for everything ? 

Wonder when they will realise that a lot of the work they are doing is not necessary, and a lot is not being done.

Wonder why and when and how organisation will grow.

By demanding more money and by working less stressed ?

The money-system will die quicker, but will have to sack us even more.

Why not being one step ahead of this all : and demanding it's abolition ?

Wonder if we can be disciplined enough to keep on believing in our new dream. Wonder if we get used to work out of solidarity instead of working because out of necessity.  I think in the end we will.

Octaaf Coeckelberghs   Filosofisch Verzet

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Philosophical Angel :  Not existing is not possible.  Everything exists.  Nothing cannot exist.  If a situation, someone, somebody tends to decline…explosion awaits.  Big Bang of matter and relations.  Existence.  Constantly on the move towards.  A battle against nonsense and emptiness of meaning.  Everyone and everything wants to be something, have a volume, don’t want to become nothing. Wanting to become too big, wanting to have too much, goes together with too much ego, jealousy, fear, complaining one’s self.  All  favourable of getting or staying poor of mind. Not ‘why do I do this or that’ but ‘do I already have enough of this or that’ control a lot of lives.  Just ask yourself what a human being is and needs to have a meaning full good life in a world without those big injustices still.

Ode for a point.  Feather Light, immense heavy, I’d like to linger in the point of truth, realness, where around everything circles I taught …don’t let the wanting to know lead to confusion, prevent the unveiling power of digging in to deep…don’t long too much for the other side.  Cloudy white silence ; tell me of the listening, star distanced connections, endless evolution, reach for a bridge to somewhere; ask an eternal silence for not to in words translatable things and feelings…live men, live, weave men weave, amid the silent, simple and good and beautiful , grateful for all the good and beautiful ---to be searched for by oneself , to see for yourself, to find on your own and together…wright through narrow minded ignorance.

Pass on. Pass on some light to each other…to be able to keep on living.  That light, the one familiar with the glance in eyes that which is born through our  words and touches.  Passing on. Some air, to keep ourselves fresh and refresh us.  The kind of air full of spirit that wants to unite with life beneath.  Passing on.  Some silence, little or much, to keep our calm. The kind of calm related to everything, stuck in nothing.  Passing on …some minerals and water.  To clean and do away with the too much. 

Intuition , symbol for the soul touching the spiritual

Robin, you are called.  With a lot more than your name, you emerge sometimes.  On a chosen moment. On a table in autumn sun.  Or elsewhere. But always unexpected.  Seems like you await us for a dialogue. Those brief encounters of us.  For a moment capturing some happiness in me through you.  Really on the top of being free then, you in the three and me… .  Your little tail and eyes so fine.  With all your polished colours you just want to make us curious about everything again…and wondering.  You look like a mailman from heaven.  With your sparingly unique song reminding us of that negative emotions are foolish.  Unrest silly. With your dances you put us on other feet. Before you turn your head again and follow your next dive in the air.

Mighty feeling moments where everything in the past makes sense

In Sensitivity’s Garden :  Softly drumming fingertips.  Dancing along colourful fields of nipples.  Electrical currents wave to the little orange belly beneath the centre.  Just taking a walk above the spinal cord for fun.  And in a spiritual way landing on top of the Venus mountain then…to start igniting the bio magnetic fields of who knows what or who again.

This is our life.  This is your life.  Giving it back, impossible.  Existing has a lot of reasons.  Go through them, live them. Leaving the heavy things behind on time…reforming them in too the real feeling inside.  Being, hidden and enlightened richness. Solitude and reunion.  Always exchange.  Out of wisdom or out of anger, just or unjust.  Out of love and blessed blessings.  Bless your blessings.

Sit down and tell me your story

Don’t want to know what you think off the weather

Want to know what you think you’re doing here

Tell me with who you share your life and why

Talk about your dreams in daytime and at night

Which roads you were sent, which did you choose ?

From which solutions you aspect a lot ?

Want to know what really goes on inside you

What are the things that really touch you ?

Let your answers flow from the real you source

Don’t want to talk about prices or wages today

Just want to go towards you and let you in

Want to know the people that you want to present me

Erotic touching.  She makes him so strong and soft.  Wants me inner and inside. To touch and touch and again.  In our games we explore; s’sexplore.  ‘Dans nos yeux, jeus on s’ex-plore’ He wants, desires that she comes. Thoughts, feelings, imagination play along as well.  Ooh woman oh guy ! It’s much more than pleasing each other out of lust.  It’s all about being aware that loving life also talks through the language of erotic feelings.  Don’t let the words become ordinary.  Enjoy the orchestra of past and present united in the always new creative moments that follow you both on beds of roses.

After dead.  Silence…is all those who don’t exist anymore, is rising and transforming, is back to our essence----is quiet images we remain for the living; what we made ourselves believe disappears, what stays : our human value.

Light, shining in light.  Light also is those who aren’t anymore.  Air, doesn’t hurt anyone.  During the load of life it’s refreshing…being silence, light and air once in a while…they are who they were.  We’re just the colours.

Existing, in function of the energy you left behind, and excite again and again

Being grateful for :  the privilege of having been able to follow your own road/ for the knowledge and deepening of feelings in between/ for learning to decode the language you yourself are/ for books and documentaries that bring about the truth/ for watching new life, youth emerge/for an old lady that said ‘come out of the rain boy’/ for that feeling as if one had eternally the time to travel/ for the parts words are made of/ for tears when things become too heavy/for learning to read the distance between faces/for the openings to social justice and a better world/ for the good parts of the dream world/for nature, animals, colours, smells, music…/for writing down and speaking about new alternatives based on a lot of contradicting analyses in this world/for the postponed things and touches that gave you a lot of time/for love and it’s friends


ontwikkel het sterkere in jezelf /develop the stronger part in yourself/search for objective knowledge /overcome your negative emotions/do your part of the work/take the time for silence and nature/money was a means of, not a purpose/discover the true meaning of faith and faithfulness/don’t life only for working for money/too much consumption spoils yourself/ discover the symbolism of the meaning of life

(life brings you closer to the hart of life :    separating sense from nonsense)

Philosophical Angel :  Not existing is not possible.  Everything exists.  Nothing cannot exist.  If a situation, someone, somebody tends to decline…explosion awaits.  Big Bang of matter and relations.  Existence.  Constantly on the move towards.  A battle against nonsense and emptiness of meaning.  Everyone and everything wants to be something, have a volume, don’t want to become nothing. Wanting to become too big, wanting to have too much, goes together with too much ego, jealousy, fear, complaining one’s self.  All  favourable of getting or staying poor of mind. Not ‘why do I do this or that’ but ‘do I already have enough of this or that’ control a lot of lives.  Just ask yourself what a human being is and needs to have a meaning full good life in a world without those big injustices still.

Ode for a point.  Feather Light, immense heavy, I’d like to linger in the point of truth, realness, where around everything circles I taught …don’t let the wanting to know lead to confusion, prevent the unveiling power of digging in to deep…don’t long too much for the other side.  Cloudy white silence ; tell me of the listening, star distanced connections, endless evolution, reach for a bridge to somewhere; ask an eternal silence for not to in words translatable things and feelings…live men, live, weave men weave, amid the silent, simple and good and beautiful , grateful for all the good and beautiful ---to be searched for by oneself , to see for yourself, to find on your own and together…wright through narrow minded ignorance.

Pass on. Pass on some light to each other…to be able to keep on living.  That light, the one familiar with the glance in eyes that which is born through our  words and touches.  Passing on. Some air, to keep ourselves fresh and refresh us.  The kind of air full of spirit that wants to unite with life beneath.  Passing on.  Some silence, little or much, to keep our calm. The kind of calm related to everything, stuck in nothing.  Passing on …some minerals and water.  To clean and do away with the too much. 

Intuition , symbol for the soul touching the spiritual

Robin, you are called.  With a lot more than your name, you emerge sometimes.  On a chosen moment. On a table in autumn sun.  Or elsewhere. But always unexpected.  Seems like you await us for a dialogue. Those brief encounters of us.  For a moment capturing some happiness in me through you.  Really on the top of being free then, you in the three and me… .  Your little tail and eyes so fine.  With all your polished colours you just want to make us curious about everything again…and wondering.  You look like a mailman from heaven.  With your sparingly unique song reminding us of that negative emotions are foolish.  Unrest silly. With your dances you put us on other feet. Before you turn your head again and follow your next dive in the air.

Mighty feeling moments where everything in the past makes sense

In Sensitivity’s Garden :  Softly drumming fingertips.  Dancing along colourful fields of nipples.  Electrical currents wave to the little orange belly beneath the centre.  Just taking a walk above the spinal cord for fun.  And in a spiritual way landing on top of the Venus mountain then…to start igniting the bio magnetic fields of who knows what or who again.

This is our life.  This is your life.  Giving it back, impossible.  Existing has a lot of reasons.  Go through them, live them. Leaving the heavy things behind on time…reforming them in too the real feeling inside.  Being, hidden and enlightened richness. Solitude and reunion.  Always exchange.  Out of wisdom or out of anger, just or unjust.  Out of love and blessed blessings.  Bless your blessings.

Sit down and tell me your story

Don’t want to know what you think off the weather

Want to know what you think you’re doing here

Tell me with who you share your life and why

Talk about your dreams in daytime and at night

Which roads you were sent, which did you choose ?

From which solutions you aspect a lot ?

Want to know what really goes on inside you

What are the things that really touch you ?

Let your answers flow from the real you source

Don’t want to talk about prices or wages today

Just want to go towards you and let you in

Want to know the people that you want to present me

Erotic touching.  She makes him so strong and soft.  Wants me inner and inside. To touch and touch and again.  In our games we explore; s’sexplore.  ‘Dans nos yeux, jeus on s’ex-plore’ He wants, desires that she comes. Thoughts, feelings, imagination play along as well.  Ooh woman oh guy ! It’s much more than pleasing each other out of lust.  It’s all about being aware that loving life also talks through the language of erotic feelings.  Don’t let the words become ordinary.  Enjoy the orchestra of past and present united in the always new creative moments that follow you both on beds of roses.

After dead.  Silence…is all those who don’t exist anymore, is rising and transforming, is back to our essence----is quiet images we remain for the living; what we made ourselves believe disappears, what stays : our human value.

Light, shining in light.  Light also is those who aren’t anymore.  Air, doesn’t hurt anyone.  During the load of life it’s refreshing…being silence, light and air once in a while…they are who they were.  We’re just the colours.

Existing, in function of the energy you left behind, and excite again and again

Being grateful for :  the privilege of having been able to follow your own road/ for the knowledge and deepening of feelings in between/ for learning to decode the language you yourself are/ for books and documentaries that bring about the truth/ for watching new life, youth emerge/for an old lady that said ‘come out of the rain boy’/ for that feeling as if one had eternally the time to travel/ for the parts words are made of/ for tears when things become too heavy/for learning to read the distance between faces/for the openings to social justice and a better world/ for the good parts of the dream world/for nature, animals, colours, smells, music…/for writing down and speaking about new alternatives based on a lot of contradicting analyses in this world/for the postponed things and touches that gave you a lot of time/for love and it’s friends 'THE 12 COMANDMENTS :

ontwikkel het sterkere in jezelf /develop the stronger part in yourself

search for objective knowledge /overcome your negative emotions/do your part of the work

take the time for silence and nature/money was a means of, not a purpose

discover the true meaning of faith and faithfulness/don’t life only for working for money

too much consumption spoils yourself/ discover the symbolism of the meaning of life

(life brings you closer to the hart of life :    separating sense from nonsense)

A 108 YEARS !

It seems I became the oldest person in the world last week, 1 of may 2064.  What a celebration.  No, not like before with a lot of camera teams from all around the globe which would have blocked the mountain road to my Swedish chalet; no, the world is far more organised these days.  Each commune, each city is a member of a worldwide media network.  All people wanting to collaborate with it send the issues not purely related to the local community to a central media location in Stockholm that arranges the further distribution.  Compared with the 20st century and the first decennia of the following century the difference in how people run society is enormous. 

Everyone is connected with one or more projects of the global management system of society.  Every project has it’s sectors.  For a job you can go to Housing, Energy, Food, Telecom, Education, Resources, Environment, Culture, Health, Goods, Distribution, Transport, Safety, Entertainment, Media and Money, Management System.  HEFTERECHGDTSEMMM, kind of a Welsh word to mention them all at once.  It was some kind of story, taking over the power from the old system.  I’ll tell you all about it later. Each project has it’ s own following up within the project Media.

The project Global Management System coordinates the 17 projects since the international revolutions around 1924 that put an end to all existing forms of oppression, barbarism and lot’s of absurd anachronistic situations.  Changes were implemented that offered humanity real opportunities to lead more human lives.  The greediness of billionaires  and their political and military staff were on the brink of starting a series of nuclear wars. 

Our current management system makes it possible for everyone to do the job you prefer.  We don’t need ever growing economies any more to survive financially.  Most of our streets and our intercontinental high ways are connected by a magnetic system of public transport.  A computer program calculates the demand of jobs for each project and on the basis of these figures the subscriptions of 14 from the 17 projects are calculated and taken of everyone’s account ones a month.  So no pay in fact for taking the bus.  Resources like water, gas, …even food became common property, farmers get a decent wage so they aren’t slaves of bancs any more and even little farmers can restart their production.  In fact the scale and the way food was produced under the old system led to a loss of quality and unhealthy situations for both man and animals.  Private owners of resources are given a wage to work in one of the sectors of the project Resources or they can chose other projects to work in.  The main criterium of evaluation is not in the first place how much you produce, but how good you feel in your job.

In the projects Production of Goods and Distribution there isn’t a subscription system and the private or cooperative owners of enterprises or shops are bound to follow a worldwide social taxation system where nobody can sheet.  Little shop owners have grown in numbers as well and receive a wage for their social function.  Really big producers of goods are obliged to form one group for each kind of product, so there is no more competition.  Closures of factories are a thing of the past , except if there is no more demand for something.

International, interconnected computer systems calculate the demand an d the price takes into account the wages of people.  We could not do away with the system of wages in the areas of production and distribution of goods.  There was to much of a risk that the wealthier classes would turn against the process of restructuration and eventually would pay mercenaries to start social discontent campaigns. We did manage dough to abandon the speculation system and abolish the stock markets but wages and trade and money still exist, be it in an other form.  In our education system we stretch a lot of importance to explain that to much consumption can destroy an even ecological production system and the need to move to a system were calculation of prices is no longer needed because people don’t take to much of the products.  We know that we can arrange this in a telematic way in which the consumption of each individual or house is followed up, but it’ s the attitude of people themselves that is important.   To put it briefly, we only use (digital) money to buy goods and for the rest we have subscriptions on every service.  Even if we don’t own a house, our rent is taken care of by the management system who pays the house owners a modest rent.  That’s why a lot of houses are being sold, so they get cheaper.  The Global Management System provides enough digital money, so that’s why there aren’t budget cuts any more.

Military production has ceased to exist, only the police has weapons.  This issue started the revolution in 1924.  People were fed up with the once who governed the world for the sakes of the big bourgeoisie.  More and more groups challenged the military industry  and the little group of billionaires who in fact owned the two third of the planet.  More and more they hated the fact that they had total control over the State apparatus and that they kept the world in poverty and war, while polluting more and more and putting a price on every service and activity possible.  The money inn those days more and more went to  the banks that wanted to take over social security, pensions, homes and so on.  Unemployed people were forced to work for very poor wages or for free, even by the new populist right wing parties claiming to replace the old classical parties.  They just wanted to save the old imperialistic way of thinking by putting the emphasis of political reflection on nationalism, racism…you name it. 

The right to work thus became a joke.  Everyone had different statutes, so ‘divide and rule’ indeed ruled.  After the first big bank crisis in 2008, especially the most important imperialistic unities in war mongering prepared war after war with lots of unseen destruction and millions of displaced people as a consequence.  Masks fell, budgetary cuts, restrictions and all kind of absurd measures couldn’t save the old democracy any more.  Poverty and war and the need to get as wealthy as in Western countries led millions to flew their countries of origin.  The bourgeoisie was even pleased about this development, they could use cheap labour and a division between people, leading to a strengthening of their right wing parties.  War mongering layers of industry and goverment in the Western and Arab world preferred negotiating with right wing politicians to extend their greed more and more.

And what about the left ? The left restricted itself to defensive tactics within the almost purely old capitalist system.  They did not take into account the how’s and why’s of all kind of subjective characteristics of people, of things that held them of from revolting.  Religious people thinking that the left was for State Capitalism or ‘atheistic’. The left did not have clear philosophical and political answers on these themes and no really alternative to propagate as managing society in a different way was concerned.  Parts of the population still taught capitalism was to rule for ever…and they enjoyed the benefits of it, not seeing the dangers and the sand the ‘building’ was build on.

A lot of groups were occupied with only partly solutions, nobody offered a global alternative.  People in power were not afraid of manifestations.  Wars could have been prevented by class action, but that did not emerge.  The number of people with a social conscience and enough consciousness had to grow and grew …so that in the end they wanted to look for ways to stop wars and poverty and social security being attacked. In the end they organised in local and later international groups that wanted an international binding world referendum about the most urgent problems facing humanity.

Foto http://fotofilosofie.skynetblogs.be  

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