Resistance Latest Positions and end the war proposals (Nederlandse tekst beneden)
10/7/2023 In
most philosophical circles and groups little or no attention is paid to
military escalation and international military reconversion. This is also the
case in political circles. There is simply little or no mention of geopolitical
and ethical issues. They focus on elections and the 'suppossed' large public opinion in favor of political positions for the expansion of the UKR RUS war, afraid to lose votes in elections. All war supporting states are
actually allies in perpetuating evil. The amounts spent by specialists in the
world of corruption and more specifically in the world of the military
industrial complex to the United Nations are hallucinatory. The world has
always been at war, not only militarily but also economically. One drives the
other…as is extensively proven in numerous books and documentaries.
In the midst of
a multi-problem propelled right-wing movement, of which impoverishment immigration and war are the major ones, the left is trying to maintain itself in a
number of classic ways amidst the struggle for social rights through the unions
or in parliament. Well done. However, too little emphasis is placed on the
individual and local capabilities of people in employment to enforce things
with just the umpteenth demonstration or strike. Working slower can last much
longer and in threatening war situations the leading people are more afraid of occupations
than of a peace demonstration. Individual strength, even on the war fronts, is
not encouraged. Where is the time when fraternizing soldiers
on the front wanted to arrest their generals…and the people wanted to get rid
of their war-mongering politicians? In the awareness around the threat of the
escalating danger of war, you hear the right and the left (both with exceptions,
especially before elections in the case of the right), less and less towards
the general public.
democracy favors a number of bourgeois objectives. Besides, the State is used
by big capital so that the power of the bourgeoisie may survive. Billions in
aid to big business, in all sorts of ways. Philosophical Resistance has already
spread enough concrete information on social media and meetings. The laws of
banking and speculation rule the world and hinder progress. Solutions for
climate issues are based on gaining as much money as possible. Government
programs serve to maintain or expand the preponderance of the multinationals in
economic affairs.
The old electoral systems are used to compose mostly narrow right-wing majorities. Not
that otherwise there would be much difference in some countries. If a country
does not want to participate, central banks simply turn off the money tap or plan regime changes, as we saw in Kiev in 2014. In countries
such as France, you can become president with 19% of the vote in the first
round and then push through bizarre pension laws without a parliamentary
majority. Half-truths are repeated into lies day after day. A smear campaign
against other States has become the norm.
The power of the
modern States is well regulated. The top politicians surround themselves with
well-paid positions in cabinets, ministries, companies and thus create a circle that is assured of a fixed monthly income. Nothing wrong with the
latter, but it is at odds with the 'struggle for life' of many. Some top
politicians are masters of accumulating political posts and then grin on
election posters on which they actually make fun of ordinary people. Complete
this list of situations with the mass media that is in possession of the same
circle of billionaires and public broadcasters that cannot always be neutral.
Mix this with some decadent expressions of culture, violent games and unethical
views of all kinds and you have to conclude that we have to move towards a
different way of organizing elections in the future.
Elect the
program first and then the conductors on project lists. This goes far beyond
organizing citizens' groups to talk about politics, in the hope that
governments will be guided by it. It goes beyond choosing those people who want
to sit or sit in parliament on an ordinary wage. It goes much further, but at
the same time it is much simpler than complicated valuation systems to
distribute wealth, for example.
Basic principles
should be:
military conversion
-simple social
security systems (no more divide and conquer)
tax systems (everyone one account and fair contributions and above so many
million…serious tax)
meaningful work
-economic and
political plan so that people no longer flee their countries en masse
A full program
already exists and can be discussed. It is up to the IT people of the future to
organize telematic elections as a means of political action. Prefer the program
first, then the conductors on project lists. see ***annex
We urgently need
to get rid of our emotional problems and become more concerned with the
management of society. Much negative emotionality translates into
reactionary positions.
position of our
committee 'Het Hageland no longer wants to pay for war)' :)
1. classic
negotiations, UKR and especially the US in that UKR+ do not want yet. Crimea
and Donbas and so on, the people there don't want the UKR anymore, they already
count more than 14 000 dead since 2014.
2. the soldiers
who risk their lives for the powerful and wealthy of both countries had better
arrest their generals
3. Objective
reporting on the background of this war would contribute to the fact that no
one wants to help pay for that war anymore
4. in all
countries of the Nato, UKR and RUS work stoppages every day in the big
companies to reinforce the three previous demands (or do we want the war to
spread to all those areas? ) with all the nuclear risks that entails
5. if work
stoppages do not help, occupations of the big companies, demonstrations, the
warmongers are not afraid of
6. occupation
and takeover of all arms factories and making other things in-house (just a
matter of conscience)
FROM RUSSIA (and then merge and then start rebuilding, so the soldiers
immediately have other work) :)
8. Other system
of elections, first elect the program, then the dirigents on project lists (see
above)For contact filosofisch verzet de blogfilosoof
on facebook or ‘progressief Hageland en de wereld’ or
Cultural Project
Fotofilosofie on facebook and links And at home : many historical books and two
expo’s in Belgium. Octaaf
Coeckelberghs and group
****questions for workers, dear
Why is it
we are still being ruled by representatives of bancs ?
Why you
work so hard while so many are without a job ?
Why is
having a job not normal ?
Why can't
you easily find a new job ?
Why our
telecom services, our energy and transport are not free ?
Why still
not one world currency or an administration based on need ?
Why some
of us need the rule of old ideologies to function ?
Why not
our inner discipline or the one of our colleagues in charge ?
Why not
we but them should be afraid of doing away with speculation ?
Why does the
same product does not cost as much everywhere ?
Why is
poverty a form of official slavery ?
Why so
few people control so much wealth ?
Why so
few robots command so many soldiers ?
religions are not as much spiritual then our inner energy ?
Why imperialism
calls war humanitarian aid, free world and democracy ?
Why do
criminals control economy, whether in USA ,ex- USSR or Liberia?
Why do
trade unions follow the games of big money ?
Why do we
not understand that 'foreigners' can be workers to ?
Why we still
make weapons to kill our comrades elsewhere ?
Why do
kings and queens still exist ?
Why not
use technology and technocracy to build a beautiful world ?
doesn't education teaches more about human sciences ?
Why do we
pay taxes as well for putting mines as demining them ?
Why do
factories or companies close when demand is so big ?
Why are
farmers payed to destroy or not produce, while so much hunger ?
Why so
much short of housing ?
Why our
dogs and cats eat more money than some earn ?
Why their
system survives by means of crises, wars and exploitation .
Why do we
keep on collaborating while modern fascism is so strong ?
Why our
media talk in favour of what's going on ?
Why is
the right to vote, the right to say yes to the system ?
Why don't
we put forward our own program first ?
Why don't
we defend our own alternative in the enterprises we work ?
Why don't
we invite the jobless to join our reunions ?
Why don't
we develop our new strategy to put our
demands in power ? contact via filosofisch verzet de
blogfilosoof fbook chat
dutch : nederlands
Filosofisch Verzet Recentste
10/7/2023 In de meeste
filosofische middens en groepen is er weinig tot geen aandacht aan militaire
escalatie en voor internationale militaire reconversie. Ook in politieke middens is dat zo. Men heeft het er gewoon weinig of niet over
geopolitieke en ethische kwesties.
Men focust op de verkiezingen en brede politieke standpunten die
bijvoorbeeld voor de uitbreiding van de UKR RUS oorlog zouden zijn, van uit de
overweging dat je geen stemmen mag afstoten. Alle oorlogvoerende Staten zijn eigenlijk
bondgenoten in het laten voort duren van het Kwade. De bedragen die in de wereld van de corruptie
en meer bepaald in de wereld van het militaire industriële complex tot in de
Verenigde Naties door specialisten worden aangeklaagd zijn hallucinant. De wereld is altijd in oorlog geweest en niet
alleen op militair maar ook op economisch gebied. Het ene jaagt het andere aan…zoals in tal van
boeken en documentaires uitgebreid bewezen wordt.
-internationale militaire
-simpele sociale zekerheid
systemen (geen verdeel en heers meer)
-onkreukbare taks systemen
(iedereen één rekening en billijke bijdragen en boven de zoveel
miljoen…serieuze taks)
-ecologische productie
-zinvol werk
-economisch en politiek plan
zodat mensen niet meer massaal hun landen ontvluchten
Een volledig programma bestaat al
en kan worden bediscussieerd. Het is aan de IT’ers van de toekomst om als
politiek actiemiddel telematische verkiezingen te organiseren. Eerst het programma verkiezen, dan de
dirigenten op projectlijsten.
We moeten dringend afrekenen met
onze emotionele problemen en ons meer met het beheer van de samenleving gaan
bezig houden. Veel negatieve emotionaliteit vertaald zich in reactionaire